Front view
Conjoined Cowboy Indian Dunny
- Artist:
- Michelle Valigura
- Manufacturer:
- Kidrobot
- Type:
- Mini Figure
- Platform:
- Dunny
- Series:
- Dunny 2010
- Ratio:
- 2/25
- Size:
- 3
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2010
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- czarine097.
170 89 13
14 years ago
i have 2 of these guys for trade or sale.
337 2257 77
14 years ago
Just got this one today, very disappointed in the QC! There is a huge dent on the indians head with a crack running towards the ear. It looks as if the vinyl was starting to implode. The body paint was also smudged :(
388 689 743
14 years ago
Yeah, mine has a big smudge coming from the cowboy's hairline. On reflection I don't even like the design that much, considering repainting it, turning it into something else (sans smudges :P )
261 478 94
14 years ago
I love the design, I just wish that the nose on mine was as opaque as the one in the picture...