Front view
Tiger Baby (Original)
- Description:
Not only has Sam Flores become the most familiar name under Upper Playground, a Bay Area brand collective of artists, but he has gained international acclaim with solo and group gallery exhibitions throughout the United States, Canada, Singapore, Japan, and throughout Europe. For the past decade he’s been steadily branding his name and signature art style, describing it himself in a San Francisco Chronicle interview as “very exaggerated and weird, all mixed together, a little bit Art Nouveau, ’60s Japanese block style”.
His reach has touched the vinyl toy world, where his popular ‘Tigerbaby’ and ‘Fatima’ figurines have almost consistently sold out during pre-order.
- Artist:
- Sam Flores
- Manufacturer:
- StrangeCo
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Platform:
- Tiger Baby
- Size:
- 7.0
- Color:
- Orange
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Quantity:
- 376
- Year:
- 2004
Where to buy?
- knewnan,
- vinylcreep,
- Plastic_Chapel,
- turnup,
- Leecifer,
- coab,
- HaynMade,
- GmidD,
- taskone,
- vinyltoyz,
- chris,
- monophoton,
- thehanggang,
- wyger,
- GrandPoobah,
- lapolab,
- molaro,
- dunnybunny,
- Jackg,
- Scepticon,
- poopchalupa,
- petite_collec_aguila81,
- frankiepelle,
- warriorwoman531,
- xfalcon,
- wpaarts,
- videguy,
- sstatusskuo,
- jenX,
- CounterbalanceC,
- superconductor,
- IndiaA.
- Vadim,
- sergeySafonov,
- theboywil,
- vinyleschiles,
- jonpaulkaiser,
- weeviljing,
- SnorseWhisperer,
- Danimal,
- waitamo,
- puffin28,
- beanie,
- pea_knuck,
- jemn,
- lil,
- unsungzero,
- icore,
- devinslist,
- dualMONO,
- pamS,
- crspy420,
- cruzron,
- velvet,
- Aljonka,
- pandanaps_deleted,
- lane,
- jawas,
- amuse33,
- superpopstudio,
- poczynek,
- kler72,
- mytoybox,
- hhahahahah,
- daveboss,
- gokunick,
- trons_wants,
- HappyPandaToys,
- joealmighty77,
- colourspot,
- vitalfan,
- Wackadoo,
- Dlux,
- takaraporkbun,
- Nathan23Archer,
- highonvinyl,
- citrusface,
- jazzydan,
- yourjello,
- Mintyfresh,
- muggles,
- deVito,
- daviecakes,
- sampersand,
- lisacoats,
- 8bitego,
- richgregory,
- MiddleClass,
- stonelordz,
- alto,
- edcetera,
- Scumme,
- Willie,
- camdenoir,
- orozcoa7,
- bort77,
- masao626,
- thewingsart,
- smitty,
- cgmb,
- sashalaura,
- Owlztoyz,
- Rope5,
- ohbrutal,
- ralmeida,
- l3rett,
- allthethings,
- alethea03,
- EpicTank,
- davidusero,
- Colladdic.
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