Front view
- Artist:
- Luke Chueh
- Sculptor:
- Dave Bondi
- Manufacturer:
- Munky King
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Platform:
- Possessed
- Size:
- 8.0
- Color:
- White
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Quantity:
- 1000
- Year:
- 2007
Where to buy?
- robbieXeff,
- bunnywith_nat,
- HaynMade,
- punkmachine,
- SeskaFuze,
- insomaniac,
- kittenpotpie,
- Danimal,
- nypedestrian,
- tenacioustoys,
- toycentric,
- ArcadysToyz,
- SteveKeys,
- purplevg,
- Toasted678,
- ashleyac,
- myplasticheart,
- Plastic_Chapel,
- taverymutch,
- saL,
- mendez,
- TheMonarch,
- elevatedflow,
- GmidD,
- jugganautch,
- xeneize666,
- vinyltoyboy,
- emmanouil77,
- jemappellekat,
- vinyltoyz,
- GeorgeGaspar,
- babyvtec,
- joealmighty77,
- steven,
- xx,
- theboywil,
- Mess,
- CrisR,
- GimmeRocketNumber9,
- deadlemming,
- reactor88,
- tommynathan,
- neonzombie,
- GrownManToys,
- bkz41,
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- jacranky,
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- Mintyfresh,
- yerflap,
- halfapparition,
- mutantshark,
- petite_collec_aguila81,
- monophoton,
- lfarnc,
- delme,
- dunnybunny,
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- pop77,
- wingedyeti,
- NamN,
- Nerdbomber,
- roguerebel,
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- lovesmesomevinyl,
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- benjaminconnelly,
- ReyChemo,
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- comixguru,
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- davidusero,
- sleepyhead,
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- PoPoJiJo,
- Aljonka,
- chrome,
- pandanaps_deleted,
- DeathSkull,
- pulehoopo,
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- jawas,
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- sparksmemphis,
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- Vero89LP,
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- allthethings,
- supercooperberella,
- jabberwockysuperfly,
- baroni,
- jinsensei91,
- vudumonkey25,
- KidA,
- bugs,
- ipeealot,
- TheTrooper,
- fogzilla,
- JoThirteen,
- GothLaBuse,
- sarah.strzalka.art.
14 9 9
14 years ago
Great figure
213 246 90
14 years ago
I would love to own this someday.
8 53 3
14 years ago
Grrrrr......I can't find this beautiful piece. They always sold out fast :(
353 606 632
13 years ago
Yeah found it :) is gonna look great next to my other luke chueh shite :)
213 246 90
13 years ago
today is my lucky day it just arrived in the mail :)
114 20 104
13 years ago
quantity is 1000
47 22 8
13 years ago
Anyone selling?
224 246 16
11 years ago
This is my favorite figure, and actually got me into my field, I have my associates degree in Model making and am working on my bachelors degree! I met the creators of this toy and some day wish to own it!
42 27 27
7 years ago
If anyone is selling, let me know
7 years ago
I have one with box, I'd sell