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Where to buy?
- deathman,
- mjollnir952,
- Sugoi,
- ghettoaxe,
- hoogte,
- jjH8te,
- Gillyweed,
- vinyltoyboy,
- NuTTzO,
- Memsumarbe,
- chantalcordeiro,
- jensr,
- missgarde,
- ImAFatCat,
- mrpaul,
- scottandbetsy,
- fotojunkaay,
- playahaterelminator,
- stoocol,
- rtysmith,
- spungee,
- poggi1kinobi,
- hova1979,
- mo0bi3z,
- steve,
- fractures,
- DunnyAddicts,
- Josje,
- Clawed,
- lomoDxx,
- quinntheboss,
- Metz27,
- Miss_Oneyes,
- PlasticPlanet,
- thewingsart,
- kingsteven,
- chamber37,
- deadlemming,
- haarp,
- LadyMadeline,
- natetyley,
- missa,
- Jayne3006,
- snappythingy,
- jerome,
- bhonestabe,
- FistfulOfBunnies,
- d3nnis,
- Owlztoyz,
- uberboober,
- iyoshi101,
- williemo,
- noeleaser,
- Luun,
- Larcfield,
- Lanafied,
- Madaboy27,
- jasonm304,
- Trademark78,
- mrphresh,
- pekdream,
- CollectandDisplay,
- kupooinc,
- dunnylicious,
- genkikat,
- Punkratz,
- starkitten,
- Manicfunnoodle,
- goldy1jac,
- czarine097,
- CounterbalanceC,
- openblindboxes,
- momthatcollects.
- lordsketch,
- magicalmartha,
- snowtree,
- nickfisher,
- Slayerono,
- mihu,
- HelloKatie,
- SweetPea,
- likuta,
- sprinklesomelove,
- woods,
- Oogolly,
- roux,
- laurenfh,
- tofu_catgirl,
- antifaucetwater,
- dxjock,
- petite_zebracorn,
- boombapclap,
- Angelicdreamz,
- Taos,
- saja,
- tobiaslarner,
- ZombieCupcake,
- astroblast,
- Soldatoj57,
- airisa,
- chopper,
- 24dreamy,
- Bigtoypoo,
- twipz,
- lalala,
- Ciao1976,
- katerina,
- jenwilhelm,
- kisakat,
- jeng,
- tirarosauriusrex,
- davidusero,
- modxtoys,
- Jimson,
- ofirbunn,
- AbigailAmber82,
- tina,
- camdenoir,
- Lady_Stormwind,
- vivipepper,
- Colladdic,
- ijgds,
- TheTrooper.
51 9 368
13 years ago
The whole design is really nice
417 137 6
12 years ago
looking to buy this if anyone can help!!
353 606 632
12 years ago
stocked so bad in Europe.... AGAIN !
444 112 128
12 years ago
Outland store still has some! Picked mine up today!
444 112 128
12 years ago
@ Minty, you're right though! KR stock in Europe sucks ass! 1200 piece release and we have about 200 for europe! It's nuts...
353 606 632
12 years ago
PBM only had like 50 or 60, they only supply 5 stores with this stock kinda of monopolizing the designer toy game. But hell, it's nice for them they got stuff other shops can't have.
But enough other cool stuff around i'm not getting myself worked up about this anymore :)
734 487 437
12 years ago
Just picked this up at Kidrobot SF :)
444 112 128
12 years ago
Review: http://www.dunnyaddicts.com/2...
129 143 15
12 years ago
Just got mine signed and with og wooden staff... goes great with the two from 2011 I just got in artist case from Huck gee
850 1828 327
12 years ago
Duplicate entry.
329 75 1144
12 years ago
@hu8o: actually, the other entry is for the AP, which has an extra accesorry
69 86 42
12 years ago
I need this. Who wants to sell/trade it to me?? Email me candleboss@gmail.com
118 228 4
12 years ago
I have one of these to sell or trade!! Let me know if you're interested :) lanafied@hotmail.com
381 1089 1433
11 years ago
Whar do you want?
102 0 2
11 years ago
Yeah what are you looking for?
196 1256 71
9 years ago
I have one foe trade if anyone needs it
381 1089 1433
9 years ago
I'm interested owlswag
132 22 7
9 years ago
I have one for sale. Signed and with wood stick. jens@jensr.com