Front view
Bed Monster
- Artist:
- Amanda Visell x Itokin Park
- Manufacturer:
- Switcheroo
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Size:
- 6.5
- Material:
- Resin
- Quantity:
- 25
- Year:
- 2010
Where to buy?
- scott_savage,
- sergeySafonov,
- MisterQuiche,
- antifaucetwater,
- insomaniac,
- roux,
- FranBermejo,
- happydog,
- Yardarm51,
- CoMus,
- saraharvey,
- jenandryanlikestuff,
- SeskaFuze,
- Irukanjii,
- davidsundin,
- puffin28,
- jakeivill,
- pimpsc00by,
- Girlfromtheattic,
- nomokun,
- strix,
- lomoDxx,
- littlebearries,
- PlasticPlanet,
- biscuits,
- DaniCunha,
- mightyfine,
- Nathan23Archer,
- fluffypinktarantulas,
- cherrybite,
- gimedos,
- Loncho,
- yintendo,
- girlwithm,
- herkumer,
- trustpigs,
- nicolevz,
- MrLongbaugh,
- Adulteress,
- thewingsart,
- affykid,
- Toys4All,
- bhonestabe,
- meltme,
- chameleon,
- kerrykao,
- keikuu,
- darkflame.
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Toy of the year.
185 83 831
14 years ago
gimme gimme gimme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
135 146 111
14 years ago
seen the toy: I want this toy.
seen the price: I dont' want the toy.
28 114 32
14 years ago
please explain to me what is so great about this piece?
171 468 619
14 years ago
I guess because its a new toy released by Amanda and people enjoy her work.
The really neat thing is the mini toys with this set, they are mini versions of previously released toys by Amanda.
135 146 111
14 years ago
and it is handmade and IP toys are popular too.
1593 19 280
14 years ago
I like both Amanda Visell and Itokin Park's cute styles, so combining the 2 is a win for me :)
112 22 4
14 years ago
Worth the price. If you're a fan of Itokin Park and his resin work, then you will understand. I was fortunate to get one and it's truly amazing in person. And a lot bigger than I thought it was. If you find one, get it.
171 468 619
14 years ago
This piece grew on me but I had no idea what the price was, just googled. Woah $450! I would love to hold one and play with it :D but not at that price.
171 468 619
14 years ago
Yeah, the price point is completely understandable for this release. I really want it now LOL
1593 19 280
14 years ago
An establish artist customized an existing toy figure with bespoke details, some putty/sculpey work and great painting. He/She charges $100-$200 on top of the figure, sometimes even more, for his/her effort. If it is a popular platform and popular artist, e.g. Sket-one, it goes up to $500+.
This you have two established artists, designed, sculpted, hand-cast resin & hand-painted them. The pricing is high but I think it is fair for their time & efforts.
Similarly in an older medium. An established artist hand painted a collection of canvases for an exhibition, they will likely to cost you +$1000 each. Sometimes there would be some mess-printed pieces at a much lower price.
1593 19 280
14 years ago
It is good that the two artists do have mess-produced figures via Kidrobot/Super7/self catering for most collectors :)
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
my problem is not in value, because it's mostly a moot point - nothing has a set value or price, it's all about standards and conventions.
My problem is that I don't want to see the entire scene prices start escalating, something that could very well happen as artists gain more and more recognition.
I've said it before, one of the special wonderful things about this form is it's widespread affordability. once the prices go up and up it will just get sucked into the regular market of the "art world" and will loose a lot of what makes it special - an art form for the public, for the fans.
1593 19 280
14 years ago
I don't think this toy is an indication that the scene is going to price itself out of the reaches of its current supporters. As I said the artists have toys at different price levels, so their fans can afford them.
I don't see that why an artist can't exist in both "art world" and this scene (I am not sure how to distinguish the different art scenes, I've used those terms only for the context of this conversation)? If they do and I am glad that they apply their artworks on mess-produced figures every now and then, so they can afford to live and don't care if the toys make enough money.
I am also happy that some of them have turned into toy markers e.g. Mr & Mrs Horvath of Uglydolls. I've always wanted Uglydog vinyl figures and I can now buy them as open edition window-boxed figures at a couple of bucks.
I think you have a bigger problem with limited edition toys, especially blind boxed series. It encourages non-collectors to buy them and to sell at an inflated price. This makes collectors to think that they have to sell a rarer piece at the inflated price level as well to fellow collectors!? I certainly am guilty of it.
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
We need to fill the size. How big is it?
87 40 102
14 years ago
Thanks! : ) So curious...
112 22 4
14 years ago
The bed's length is approx. 6 1/2 inches and height is approx. 6 3/4 inches. The figure that is in the bed is 5 inches.