Front view
Kidrobot Mascot 15 - KidReaper, GID
- Artist:
- Andrew Bell
- Manufacturer:
- Kidrobot
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Platform:
- Kidrobot Mascot
- Series:
- Kidrobot Mascot
- Size:
- 7.0
- Color:
- Black
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2008
Where to buy?
- munchkins021,
- BZA,
- theboywil,
- cruzboy72,
- deanomeano,
- SnorseWhisperer,
- beanie,
- baldwinsucks,
- BelindaTubbs,
- Danimal,
- GrimSanto,
- superchan,
- ThatGirl,
- Plastic_Chapel,
- achmadsirman,
- Lysol,
- vinylgoddess,
- cruzron,
- Psychopainter,
- Agent_R,
- purplepride86,
- jmdawg333,
- Trademark78,
- KidrobotCT,
- SteveC,
- ummm33,
- killhouse82,
- deadzebra,
- HaynMade,
- Jgodinez302,
- wonkydonk,
- 2out1law3,
- yourjello,
- FetusBacon,
- saltnpappa,
- ironsoft,
- jjH8te,
- vinyltoyz,
- neonjacob,
- moss420,
- steve,
- DonP,
- igorventura,
- kassou,
- Assburrito,
- zro_toys,
- pinkertonchew,
- smancini,
- Mintyfresh,
- peetch,
- ciboy,
- jacranky,
- SergeantD,
- rattMICE,
- Modateur,
- delusionalexit2,
- sourbones,
- deathman,
- jcrell623,
- flash500,
- turbobert,
- sbeauchef,
- wucher,
- temooi,
- patrick40,
- orozcoa7,
- johnnyvanish,
- sharkbayte,
- d1rtyb345t,
- nickgingell,
- NerpS,
- dreampusher,
- Hypermite,
- kidroger15,
- poopiepants,
- dahem0n,
- biscuitwheels,
- dxjock,
- earthglass,
- jackassbeirut,
- ayboy,
- asianavatar,
- chamber37,
- kidrobber,
- Sk3llyz,
- xiaobai,
- chinobrown,
- supercooperberella,
- Lakeresq,
- jemn,
- SpoonFed,
- Marco74.
- Artevettoriale,
- Afropencil,
- burning_la,
- poptart13,
- 3EyePanda,
- icore,
- xero,
- devinslist,
- alto,
- burktodd,
- kellyQ,
- daveboss,
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- regz,
- Kitty,
- zombiepuppy,
- pjskittles,
- jemappellekat,
- wyldaxe,
- mashi,
- 098,
- EN,
- Nathan23Archer,
- sara,
- Janeeliz22,
- bkz41,
- fractures,
- evilangell8,
- SayIWasSlaine,
- MrGrumplesworth,
- Inncrim,
- SolidusFake,
- gimedos,
- herkumer,
- ChasingU,
- reeorchs,
- Slayerono,
- robertXrules,
- jesterx954,
- Kiyoshi,
- mo0bi3z,
- Malachi,
- poggi1kinobi,
- clintthescott,
- Metz27,
- E_Nichole,
- Draculaz77,
- Tbytreg,
- neeonfox808,
- missa,
- snarebum,
- MercUrFace,
- mistachael,
- nickfisher,
- killthenoise,
- jbiele,
- Xypher333,
- Ciao1976,
- reno12,
- Miskatonic_Prof,
- X_Person,
- allthethings,
- megadaws,
- refused9150,
- momthatcollects.
77 94 36
8 years ago
The time is near where I am actually contemplating selling off my KR mascot collection (this being one of the many I own). I will be gathering some pictures and details soon to list on ebay, but if anyone is interested in the meantime. Please feel free to email me directly @ "jgodinez302@gmail.com". I prefer to get rid of them all together in bulk to a good home, but I understand most people don't have that kind of cash to drop. So contact me for further details or requests.