I presumed it was a custom as it was made for the TAG Red Carpet Kaiju Show. and surely a designer can release a custom version of their own toy? I currently have James Jarvis customising one of his tattoo me Keith toys for me.
Its fun to talk about each individual piece that people question if its a custom or not but it would be good to have a clear cataloguing definition. So just putting it out there:
For catalogue reasons, "custom" should be left for pieces made by other designers/artists in a non official manner (official being official collaborations/original artist works)
Even if its a one off variant/colourway/design done officially, Its still not a catalogue "custom"
Catalogue wise, official shows get tricky as esentually the original artists/designer is asking other artists/designers to collaborate with them for a show.
So there may need to be another definition where if a toy is used for the platform, such as sketchbot 2 show, it should be "custom"
Yet if the show has individual pieces, such as red kaiju, even if its just a one off, its not "custom" (if made original artist/designer.)
I still believe that an artist can release a custom of their own toy. If you look at artists website such as mark nagatas max toy for example, then they have sections named "customs" which contain one of a kind paint jobs of their own toys.
Also I agree with idea that a custom can have more than one edition. "production customs"
They would have tagged as a custom because it was part of the 'red carpet kaiju show' yet the toy itself was produced by TAG and I am sure we we will see it beyond the show.
This is TAGs first vinyl production. (Should be added to information)
"Darling, this is my toy collection - these are Dunnys, they'e cute, right? that's Kaiju, it's japanese for "monster", over here are my 12" Hong Kong figures, and this is my giant monster vagina"
Who knows, its easy to tick boxes incorrectly. Also they may also have no clear definition and more than one person inputting in the entries.
What is your own definition? It's easy to find contradictions on almost every artists website, I wouldn't use any artists websites as a definite answer to what is considered a custom, especially for cataloguing on rotocasted.
The following is what I believe should be used for the definition of what a "custom" is in Rotocasted catalogue:
To me, a "custom" is when an artist/designer is using another toy as a platform, even if its recasting parts in a non official manner.
If the original artist/designer uses their own toy, its a called a variation.
If the original artist/designer is commissioned by someone to make something exclusive for them, it's a "Commission piece" where you can specify the person that commissioned the piece as the producer.
If the original artists/designer allows another artist/designer to use their toy as a platform in an official manner its a collaboration. ( (name) x (name) is the commonly used naming)
As mentioned above in my first post, exhibitions get tricky and needs its own definition:
If the exhibition uses a toy as a platform, where only one figure is used by every artist, such as sketchbot 2 show, it should be "custom"
If the exhibition has individual pieces, such as red carpet kaiju, even if its just a one off, its not "custom" (if made original artist/designer or a collaboration) but "(exhibition name) variant"
If the artists/designer uses another artists/designers character design in an official manner, its a "collaboration" (Name x Name)
If the artists/designer uses another artists/designers character design in a non official manner, without using another toy as a platform. Its not a "custom" but its own piece.
If the artists/designer uses another artists/designers character design in a non official manner, using their own toy as a platform. Its not a "custom" but a "(name of their toy used) (name of other character) variant"
@CoMus This is one awesome checklist. I think it will be good to use this list and start a dictionary or list of terms used at Roto to have some sort of a standard.
So are you suggesting Rotocasted extend their menu categorizing system from toy library and Custom to:
Toy library (regular editions) Variations “Show” variants Commission pieces Collaborations And Customs.
This seems excessive? Should we include bootlegs? Artist proofs? Prototypes?
This would work if you have just one library, and the toy specs/tags are categorized with your definitions. But having menu sub category's help navigation.
Or are you suggesting the custom section has a sub menu of variations, commissions, collaborations etc? Which will mean they are custom types?
How do you foresee rotocasted implementing your definitions?
My definition of a custom toy is unclear, hence my input into this discussion. If I look at the universal definition of custom, then I would say it is to put your own personal stamp, modification onto an existing object. You have made it personal to you.
So indeed I agree taking another artists toy with permission as a platform, and putting your own customization onto that toy is a collaboration. But surly it’s a custom collaboration? You have changed/modified the toy to your own taste?
I am not contradicting your definitions, as I agree with many of them. I am merely making observations on the current categorizing systems in place beyond this site.
No need to add all of the possible variants to the interface. This list is needed to have a set of basic rules for adding toy to the library or custom section, because almost every self-produced toy opening a debate is it custom or not. AP, Prototype, Collaboration or else we can add to the comments or toy name.
Sure. And I think we don't need special tagging group to sort all of the Custom Artist Proofs or Collaborations form the rest of the customs. We have plenty of ways to display that.
So back to my original point. If the original artist/designer produces a one of a kind version of their own toy, I agree it is a variation. But the fact they have taken something and personalized it either with paint and or modification, then it’s a custom variation? And should be placed in the custom section.
What about this toy? Is it a "Commission piece" as it was commissioned by TAG? Is it a “Variant” as it can be seen as a variant / modification of Carlos’s Vagina brain monster? Is it a “red carpet kaiju” variant? As it was in the red carpet kaiju show?
how can we agree that commissions, variants and show variants are not custom?
If you commission something it is custom for you. If an artist produces a one of a kind hand painted variation for an exhibition, its custom painted by the artist.
I do not agree that none of the toys at the red carpet kaiju show were custom.
“Toy Art Gallery is proud to present its newest group show, Red Carpet Kaiju. TAG will debut Gonzalez’ controversial “Hierophany” toy, and has invited some of the best monster and kaiju-inspired artists from around the world to showcase their unique visions and talents within this strange and wonderful sub-genre of art toys. Their work spans from production toys and hand-painted customs to unique sculptures made from a variety of mediums.”
Also there are too many toys from that show placed in TAG’s custom section to justify boxes being incorrectly ticked.
amen brother lee, glad we got to the bottom of that one. I would say that if an artist states his or her work as custom everything beyond that is pure conjecture left for the collector.
(I apologise that I do repeat myself a few times but I felt it was necessary to respond to various points lee made)
There is no need to make sub categories. I just wanted a list so people can clearly put into rotocasteds custom/non-custom library.
Its just one simple question:
"Is this toy using another artists/designers toy in a non official manner and/or made for an exhibition where only one figure is used by every artist? "
If you answer no, it shouldn't be in the custom library.
Once again; in the list, there is only two ways something can be considered to be a custom:
- a "custom" is when an artist/designer is using another toy as a platform, even if its recasting parts in a non official manner.
- If the exhibition uses a toy as a platform, where only one figure is used by every artist, such as sketchbot 2 show, it should be "custom"
Everything else is not a custom and should be separated from the custom library and just put into the main library. (The type tag may be adjusted but "Designer toy" is good enough)
- "the fact they have taken something and personalized it either with paint and or modification, then it’s a custom variation? And should be placed in the custom section. "
Only custom if they used someone elses toy in a non official manner. Its just a "variation" if they used their own toy, not a "custom variation"
- "What about this toy? .....
how can we agree that commissions, variants and show variants are not custom?"
It can talked about in all of those categories but it wouldn't make this a custom piece as this toy is not using another artists/designers toy in a non official manner and/or made for an exhibition where only one figure is used by every artist.
- "I do not agree that none of the toys at the red carpet kaiju show were custom. "
I never said that but I guess the point should have been clearer.
(from list) - If the exhibition has individual pieces, such as red carpet kaiju, even if its just a one off, its not "custom" (if made original artist/designer or a collaboration) but "(exhibition name) variant"
That does need to be formatted to be clearer. "if made by original artist/designer or a collaboration" brings it back to the original question asking if it is custom or not.
Osiris Orion had a whole bunch of customs there, he used another artists/desginers toy in a non official way. His work is pimp and I love it.
@fliphappy Agree, hopefully this list will simply separate what is considered a custom on rotocasted.
The word 'custom' can be open to various interpretations, especially when you start using the word 'customisation'. I tried to make my list a clear cut answer as to avoid talks about if its a custom or not.
o.k. This is getting nowhere. If your going to condense your opinion to just one simple question:
"Is this toy using another artists/designers toy in a non official manner and/or made for an exhibition where only one figure is used by every artist? "
"If you answer no, it shouldn't be in the custom library."
If rotocasted want to use your limited categorization then so be it. I am going to listen to the wider audience who in my opinion are in a better position to define what is custom and what is not.
I agree this may not be a custom toy, hence i put it in the designer toy section. My issue is when it comes to an artists own custom variant, which you are so keen to dismiss.For example:
Vinyl pulse has numerous links to artist’s own custom variations. This link makes my point clearer.
“So many amazing shows coming up in the next couple months. This here is Paul Kaiju’s Custom Boss Carrion for the Red Carpet Kaiju show at Toy Art Gallery. What better figure to customize than your own. Paul always does such amazing detail work, as you can see on the Boss Carrion. The show takes place on Saturday, September 4th from 7-11PM.” http://www.vinylpulse.com/201...
“What better figure to customize than your own” says it all for me. And notice how customize is also linked to custom.
Or what about my plastic heart who are selling Kathie Olivas Custom variants of her red bird: “custom vinyl toys revolving around her post-apocalyptic themed group of cute but tainted characters.” http://www.myplasticheart.com...
As for someone like Mark Nagata, well to many links to custom eyezons to mention. How about a bit of Ron English? “Ron English, master of billboard popaganda, created roughly 40 hand-customized SupersizeMe figures” http://www.vinylpulse.com/nyc...
And there are many more!
I cant see how major sites like vinyl pulse, artists and gallery's are getting this wrong? Anyway as @fliphappy says this is not life or death. I value your opinion, as I value anyone’s opinion. But I am not convinced your opinion is valid. So lets agree to disagree. And on that note I am also getting off the soap box. Adios!
Artists, other resources or anyone else might call it whatever they want. This website run by community and agreement on the terms is the corner stone of our efforts.
The reason of discussing the terminology is simple, separate one kind of toys from another by stylistic contexts with simple reason, clear library organization and consistency. That's why we mark designer toys only as "designer toys", not as des figurines à des adultes, Urban Vinyl, Sculpture multiples, artist vinyl, etc. I appreciate all of the comments, but if you don't really care why bother? Everybody is wrong on the internets. What we do here is amateur art history exercise, so here's some further reading — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
This piece, to me, is a variant or commission, call it wherever you want and put to the general Library, not custom.
@Lee I agree with you that you can call them all "customs", I even mentioned previously about Mark Nagata and have said that the "custom" have multiple interpretations.
It still seems you don't understand what I am trying to write up. You are only referring to other websites and not realising why we need to separate custom/non-custom on rotocasteds library, its only about cataloguing reasons.
The list is just for a line in the dirt to determine what is considered a custom in the library. Its not limiting the categorisation; its expanding it. As you previously mentioned about this piece, you can have multiple categories for a single figure.
The custom section on the library separates the people that "custom" other peoples works from the people that release their own "original" works (This isn't referring to the originality of their works.).
If the artists/designer owns the property that they are "customising", it should be considered a "variant". Especially considering production painters are getting into the game now and can "custom" paint a huge batch. How many figures do you release before its not a "custom" ?? You can't say 1 as there are lots of artists/designers that release "original" 1 of 1 pieces or small batches. It doesn't have a clear cut line.
The word "Variant" can be used in all the mentioned websites you linked. "Variant" is exactly the same as "custom" but its trying to separate it for catalogue reasons on rotocasted. Other websites can easily jump around with jargon but this is just a cataloguing website.
There is no standard terminology, there never will be. Referencing other websites you will always find contradictions as there is no standard jargon. You can call it a "custom" with good reason with almost any toy release; at what point do you draw the line? That is the reasoning of the clear cut list.
@Shradical7 I just wanted to say hello, how is it going? Its a nice day here, which is good!!! It has been raining too much lately :( (this is so you can feel like you are getting something out of the email notification)
guys, there are two purposes for this discussion - one is philosophical, and this one can and should go on and on. The other is to make the lives of Rotocasted webmasters easier, and for that we need a clear and definitive list :) that list will not be the ultimate truth, just the way we tag things here at Rotocasted
171 468 619
14 years ago
Is this still a custom when it was released by the guy who designed it? Wouldn't it just be a variant?
77 109 46
14 years ago
he produced several of them so it's a small run not a custom IMO
2 4 54
14 years ago
I presumed it was a custom as it was made for the TAG Red Carpet Kaiju Show. and surely a designer can release a custom version of their own toy? I currently have James Jarvis customising one of his tattoo me Keith toys for me.
77 109 46
14 years ago
Ten were made so that wouldn't make it a custom, right?
2 4 54
14 years ago
O.k makes sense. I'll take it out of the custom :)
171 468 619
14 years ago
Its fun to talk about each individual piece that people question if its a custom or not but it would be good to have a clear cataloguing definition. So just putting it out there:
For catalogue reasons, "custom" should be left for pieces made by other designers/artists in a non official manner (official being official collaborations/original artist works)
Even if its a one off variant/colourway/design done officially, Its still not a catalogue "custom"
Catalogue wise, official shows get tricky as esentually the original artists/designer is asking other artists/designers to collaborate with them for a show.
So there may need to be another definition where if a toy is used for the platform, such as sketchbot 2 show, it should be "custom"
Yet if the show has individual pieces, such as red kaiju, even if its just a one off, its not "custom" (if made original artist/designer.)
What you think?
499 646 2538
14 years ago
I think this toy is filthy!
171 468 619
14 years ago
Heh I agree jazzy :P not only that, Carlos has done some other really cool and insane designs! I would rather him do variants of them.
171 468 619
14 years ago
LOL it seems he only prefers the female organ.
This is what I would like to see more of:
Bit of info about the dude on TAGs website also:
499 646 2538
14 years ago
Maybe he will do boobs, then Doc will buy it ;)
1593 19 280
14 years ago
did someone say boobies? can't wait for my Tomorrow Queens :P
388 689 743
14 years ago
Men are weird.
2 4 54
14 years ago
I still believe that an artist can release a custom of their own toy. If you look at artists website such as mark nagatas max toy for example, then they have sections named "customs" which contain one of a kind paint jobs of their own toys.
Also I agree with idea that a custom can have more than one
edition. "production customs"
171 468 619
14 years ago
Yeah, in a previous toys wall I mentioned how mark refers to his releases as customs. Where you draw the line is interesting :)
683 67 183
14 years ago
Is there an option to click on "I do NOT want this toy" ?
28 114 32
14 years ago
Where do you display something like this?
499 646 2538
14 years ago
Bedroom! Hello ladies!
388 689 743
14 years ago
Might work in a lesbian's bedroom... ?
2 4 54
14 years ago
I have just seen this on the TAG store. And it is listed under the custom toys section? Not in the designer section?
171 468 619
14 years ago
They would have tagged as a custom because it was part of the 'red carpet kaiju show' yet the toy itself was produced by TAG and I am sure we we will see it beyond the show.
This is TAGs first vinyl production. (Should be added to information)
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
"Darling, this is my toy collection - these are Dunnys, they'e cute, right? that's Kaiju, it's japanese for "monster", over here are my 12" Hong Kong figures, and this is my giant monster vagina"
relationship FAIL ;-P
171 468 619
14 years ago
I don't know... she might have a nasty collection of her own:P
77 109 46
14 years ago
2 4 54
14 years ago
but the Red/Gold Mini Jumping Brain - Emilio Garcia, was also part of the 'red carpet kaiju show' yet this is in the designer toy section?
171 468 619
14 years ago
Who knows, its easy to tick boxes incorrectly. Also they may also have no clear definition and more than one person inputting in the entries.
What is your own definition? It's easy to find contradictions on almost every artists website, I wouldn't use any artists websites as a definite answer to what is considered a custom, especially for cataloguing on rotocasted.
The following is what I believe should be used for the definition of what a "custom" is in Rotocasted catalogue:
To me, a "custom" is when an artist/designer is using another toy as a platform, even if its recasting parts in a non official manner.
If the original artist/designer uses their own toy, its a called a variation.
If the original artist/designer is commissioned by someone to make something exclusive for them, it's a "Commission piece" where you can specify the person that commissioned the piece as the producer.
If the original artists/designer allows another artist/designer to use their toy as a platform in an official manner its a collaboration. ( (name) x (name) is the commonly used naming)
As mentioned above in my first post, exhibitions get tricky and needs its own definition:
If the exhibition uses a toy as a platform, where only one figure is used by every artist, such as sketchbot 2 show, it should be "custom"
If the exhibition has individual pieces, such as red carpet kaiju, even if its just a one off, its not "custom" (if made original artist/designer or a collaboration) but "(exhibition name) variant"
If the artists/designer uses another artists/designers character design in an official manner, its a "collaboration" (Name x Name)
If the artists/designer uses another artists/designers character design in a non official manner, without using another toy as a platform. Its not a "custom" but its own piece.
If the artists/designer uses another artists/designers character design in a non official manner, using their own toy as a platform. Its not a "custom" but a "(name of their toy used) (name of other character) variant"
Did I forget any possible conditions??
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
@CoMus This is one awesome checklist.
I think it will be good to use this list and start a dictionary or list of terms used at Roto to have some sort of a standard.
171 468 619
14 years ago
Sounds like a good idea. I will reformat it and make it a bit more comprehensive. (I will email it to you)
I will do it tomorrow some time.
Anything people want to add/correct on what is already written? Especially regarding any possible conditions that I have forgotten.
566 356 245
14 years ago
I just saw this. @CoMus, these are really good clarifiers!
171 468 619
14 years ago
:D Cheers guys, positive response is appreciated. The list evolved in my mind through various conversations on Rotocasted. Fun community here :)
2 4 54
14 years ago
So are you suggesting Rotocasted extend their menu categorizing system from toy library and Custom to:
Toy library (regular editions)
“Show” variants
Commission pieces
And Customs.
This seems excessive? Should we include bootlegs? Artist proofs? Prototypes?
This would work if you have just one library, and the toy specs/tags are categorized with your definitions. But having menu sub category's help navigation.
Or are you suggesting the custom section has a sub menu of variations, commissions, collaborations etc? Which will mean they are custom types?
How do you foresee rotocasted implementing your definitions?
My definition of a custom toy is unclear, hence my input into this discussion. If I look at the universal definition of custom, then I would say it is to put your own personal stamp, modification onto an existing object. You have made it personal to you.
So indeed I agree taking another artists toy with permission as a platform, and putting your own customization onto that toy is a collaboration. But surly it’s a custom collaboration? You have changed/modified the toy to your own taste?
I am not contradicting your definitions, as I agree with many of them. I am merely making observations on the current categorizing systems in place beyond this site.
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
No need to add all of the possible variants to the interface. This list is needed to have a set of basic rules for adding toy to the library or custom section, because almost every self-produced toy opening a debate is it custom or not.
AP, Prototype, Collaboration or else we can add to the comments or toy name.
2 4 54
14 years ago
So the toys will still go in the custom section? As custom AP, custom collaboration, custom show variants etc? then they are custom types.
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Sure. And I think we don't need special tagging group to sort all of the Custom Artist Proofs or Collaborations form the rest of the customs. We have plenty of ways to display that.
2 4 54
14 years ago
So back to my original point. If the original artist/designer produces a one of a kind version of their own toy, I agree it is a variation. But the fact they have taken something and personalized it either with paint and or modification, then it’s a custom variation? And should be placed in the custom section.
What about this toy? Is it a "Commission piece" as it was commissioned by TAG? Is it a “Variant” as it can be seen as a variant / modification of Carlos’s Vagina brain monster? Is it a “red carpet kaiju” variant? As it was in the red carpet kaiju show?
how can we agree that commissions, variants and show variants are not custom?
If you commission something it is custom for you. If an artist produces a one of a kind hand painted variation for an exhibition, its custom painted by the artist.
I do not agree that none of the toys at the red carpet kaiju show were custom.
“Toy Art Gallery is proud to present its newest group show, Red Carpet Kaiju. TAG will debut Gonzalez’ controversial “Hierophany” toy, and has invited some of the best monster and kaiju-inspired artists from around the world to showcase their unique visions and talents within this strange and wonderful sub-genre of art toys. Their work spans from production toys and hand-painted customs to unique sculptures made from a variety of mediums.”
Also there are too many toys from that show placed in TAG’s custom section to justify boxes being incorrectly ticked.
28 114 32
14 years ago
amen brother lee, glad we got to the bottom of that one. I would say that if an artist states his or her work as custom everything beyond that is pure conjecture left for the collector.
171 468 619
14 years ago
(I apologise that I do repeat myself a few times but I felt it was necessary to respond to various points lee made)
There is no need to make sub categories. I just wanted a list so people can clearly put into rotocasteds custom/non-custom library.
Its just one simple question:
"Is this toy using another artists/designers toy in a non official manner and/or made for an exhibition where only one figure is used by every artist? "
If you answer no, it shouldn't be in the custom library.
Once again; in the list, there is only two ways something can be considered to be a custom:
- a "custom" is when an artist/designer is using another toy as a platform, even if its recasting parts in a non official manner.
- If the exhibition uses a toy as a platform, where only one figure is used by every artist, such as sketchbot 2 show, it should be "custom"
Everything else is not a custom and should be separated from the custom library and just put into the main library. (The type tag may be adjusted but "Designer toy" is good enough)
- "the fact they have taken something and personalized it either with paint and or modification, then it’s a custom variation? And should be placed in the custom section. "
Only custom if they used someone elses toy in a non official manner. Its just a "variation" if they used their own toy, not a "custom variation"
- "What about this toy? .....
how can we agree that commissions, variants and show variants are not custom?"
It can talked about in all of those categories but it wouldn't make this a custom piece as this toy is not using another artists/designers toy in a non official manner and/or made for an exhibition where only one figure is used by every artist.
- "I do not agree that none of the toys at the red carpet kaiju show were custom. "
I never said that but I guess the point should have been clearer.
(from list) - If the exhibition has individual pieces, such as red carpet kaiju, even if its just a one off, its not "custom" (if made original artist/designer or a collaboration) but "(exhibition name) variant"
That does need to be formatted to be clearer. "if made by original artist/designer or a collaboration" brings it back to the original question asking if it is custom or not.
Osiris Orion had a whole bunch of customs there, he used another artists/desginers toy in a non official way. His work is pimp and I love it.
@fliphappy Agree, hopefully this list will simply separate what is considered a custom on rotocasted.
The word 'custom' can be open to various interpretations, especially when you start using the word 'customisation'. I tried to make my list a clear cut answer as to avoid talks about if its a custom or not.
2 4 54
14 years ago
o.k. This is getting nowhere. If your going to condense your opinion to just one simple question:
"Is this toy using another artists/designers toy in a non official manner and/or made for an exhibition where only one figure is used by every artist? "
"If you answer no, it shouldn't be in the custom library."
If rotocasted want to use your limited categorization then so be it. I am going to listen to the wider audience who in my opinion are in a better position to define what is custom and what is not.
I agree this may not be a custom toy, hence i put it in the designer toy section. My issue is when it comes to an artists own custom variant, which you are so keen to dismiss.For example:
Vinyl pulse has numerous links to artist’s own custom variations. This link makes my point clearer.
“So many amazing shows coming up in the next couple months. This here is Paul Kaiju’s Custom Boss Carrion for the Red Carpet Kaiju show at Toy Art Gallery. What better figure to customize than your own. Paul always does such amazing detail work, as you can see on the Boss Carrion. The show takes place on Saturday, September 4th from 7-11PM.”
“What better figure to customize than your own” says it all for me. And notice how customize is also linked to custom.
Or what about my plastic heart who are selling Kathie Olivas Custom variants of her red bird:
“custom vinyl toys revolving around her post-apocalyptic themed group of cute but tainted characters.”
As for someone like Mark Nagata, well to many links to custom eyezons to mention. How about a bit of Ron English?
“Ron English, master of billboard popaganda, created roughly 40 hand-customized SupersizeMe figures”
And there are many more!
I cant see how major sites like vinyl pulse, artists and gallery's are getting this wrong? Anyway as @fliphappy says this is not life or death. I value your opinion, as I value anyone’s opinion. But I am not convinced your opinion is valid. So lets agree to disagree. And on that note I am also getting off the soap box. Adios!
804 2515 1650
14 years ago
Artists, other resources or anyone else might call it whatever they want. This website run by community and agreement on the terms is the corner stone of our efforts.
The reason of discussing the terminology is simple, separate one kind of toys from another by stylistic contexts with simple reason, clear library organization and consistency.
That's why we mark designer toys only as "designer toys", not as des figurines à des adultes, Urban Vinyl, Sculpture multiples, artist vinyl, etc.
I appreciate all of the comments, but if you don't really care why bother? Everybody is wrong on the internets.
What we do here is amateur art history exercise, so here's some further reading — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
This piece, to me, is a variant or commission, call it wherever you want and put to the general Library, not custom.
Thank you, everyone.
77 109 46
14 years ago
Let's call it a Designer toy and leave it at that. If there's more than one it should be a FHP or HP. Tired of these emails haha
171 468 619
14 years ago
@Lee I agree with you that you can call them all "customs", I even mentioned previously about Mark Nagata and have said that the "custom" have multiple interpretations.
It still seems you don't understand what I am trying to write up. You are only referring to other websites and not realising why we need to separate custom/non-custom on rotocasteds library, its only about cataloguing reasons.
The list is just for a line in the dirt to determine what is considered a custom in the library. Its not limiting the categorisation; its expanding it. As you previously mentioned about this piece, you can have multiple categories for a single figure.
The custom section on the library separates the people that "custom" other peoples works from the people that release their own "original" works (This isn't referring to the originality of their works.).
If the artists/designer owns the property that they are "customising", it should be considered a "variant". Especially considering production painters are getting into the game now and can "custom" paint a huge batch. How many figures do you release before its not a "custom" ?? You can't say 1 as there are lots of artists/designers that release "original" 1 of 1 pieces or small batches. It doesn't have a clear cut line.
The word "Variant" can be used in all the mentioned websites you linked. "Variant" is exactly the same as "custom" but its trying to separate it for catalogue reasons on rotocasted. Other websites can easily jump around with jargon but this is just a cataloguing website.
There is no standard terminology, there never will be. Referencing other websites you will always find contradictions as there is no standard jargon. You can call it a "custom" with good reason with almost any toy release; at what point do you draw the line? That is the reasoning of the clear cut list.
@Shradical7 I just wanted to say hello, how is it going? Its a nice day here, which is good!!! It has been raining too much lately :( (this is so you can feel like you are getting something out of the email notification)
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
guys, there are two purposes for this discussion -
one is philosophical, and this one can and should go on and on.
The other is to make the lives of Rotocasted webmasters easier, and for that we need a clear and definitive list :)
that list will not be the ultimate truth, just the way we tag things here at Rotocasted
171 468 619
14 years ago
That right :) ..... also we want to keep this image on the main page to make everyone feel uneasy :P
388 689 743
14 years ago
@CoMus - it's working. I'm fed up of seeing this sparkly plastic vagina in the comments feed.
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
just keeping it balanced on the front page...
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
Jan, in Israel we have a saying parents say to their kids - "you don't say yuk about food"
499 646 2538
13 years ago
It's a bit red, does it have very bad thrush?
51 9 368
13 years ago
Had a bit too much winkie and now a bit red from exhaustion? Oh my.
5 0 1
11 years ago
does this vibrate?
28 114 32
10 years ago
To answer your question this toy does not vibrate however it always seems to cause a buzz when talked about