Front view
Observer - Red
- Artist:
- Mars-1
- Sculptor:
- Brin Berliner
- Manufacturer:
- StrangeCo
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Platform:
- Observer
- Size:
- 8.0
- Color:
- Red
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Quantity:
- 750
- Year:
- 2005
Where to buy?
- Vadim,
- m_sayonara,
- rcoconnell,
- Mishgun,
- SevenCubed,
- sumatra71,
- atomicforehead,
- NickW,
- scott_savage,
- turbopistola,
- citrusface,
- vanessaramirez,
- erronius,
- MaquetteCity,
- ezerd,
- Leecifer,
- turnup,
- Shellie,
- miskolina,
- ulf,
- PopFuzz,
- lex2000,
- bolboy,
- Strizi,
- superconductor,
- Colladdic,
- Adulteress,
- marmalademonkey.
566 356 245
14 years ago
FYI, a handful of red 2005 Observers are about to go up on Neon Monster's site for $55 each. We found them last week in STRANGEco's warehouse. Check here in about an hour: http://neonmonster.com/NeonMo... The rest of the red Observers will be offered at Neon Monster's booth at Wondercon (where there will also be SIGNED GID OBSERVERS!)
178 1 77
14 years ago
Very nice color. Rad figure.
105 174 45
14 years ago
Yeah! I'm going on a Observer buying spree. Just nabbed this one too... that makes 5. Hurrah!
432 4 822
13 years ago
This place is littered with dead where-to-buy links. It would be easier if we could search by seller, that way people could clean up their links.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
agreed, I always try to tidy up my dead links, but it would be so much easier if we could list all of our for sale items in one place.
13 years ago
This edition is high on my want list along with Bunniguru maxi, the purple Sug Defcon II, the green Sqube and Cranston Fellows Jr Rosebud amongst others. But they are the main ones...
13 years ago
I've got the green Sqube so far, and just missed out on getting this one in only the last two days. Bummer but oh well...
12 years ago
Yay I finally got one, woohoo!!! =)
154 129 400
12 years ago
Yay Shellie ! :)
12 years ago
Does the domed hood come off, or open up?
154 129 400
12 years ago
Its not designed to open up Shellie,though one of mine is loose so does pop off. :)
12 years ago
Okay, hmm so at least I won't break it trying now lol...
154 129 400
12 years ago
It IS tempting though, isn't it? :)
72 0 17
6 years ago
un opened signed box red grey and green for sale make offer
212 444 33
6 years ago
turnup, what's your email address? I'm interested. hoping you see this!