Front view
- Artist:
- Simone Legno (Tokidoki)
- Manufacturer:
- StrangeCo
- Type:
- Mini Figure
- Mini series:
- Moofia
- Size:
- 3
- Color:
- Pink
- Material:
- Year:
- 2007
Where to buy?
- mia,
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- sakiwaki,
- vinylaficionada,
- ecpica,
- m_sayonara,
- ilmarta,
- WarmnFuzzy,
- serifofnottingham,
- CalvinChew,
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- JulieWolfson,
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- tehlilone,
- TheodoraMalheur,
- killhouse82,
- vinylhuffer,
- SatelliteOverNY,
- cherrybite,
- HappilyCandied,
- Kitsugar,
- esparadrapo,
- 098,
- kodamakitty,
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- steve,
- strix,
- kassou,
- Zillionaire0_0,
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- weltschmerzzz,
- Liam,
- Popmonster,
- LiamRoberts1817,
- xiaobai,
- auryn,
- bunnylove,
- goldy1jac,
- Strawberryprincess,
- DevilsReprisal.
- flowersforthoughts,
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- Angelicdreamz,
- MrLongbaugh,
- Engel,
- t0ri,
- lalala,
- Simonwalsh,
- mandy,
- allthethings,
- aviator7,
- peeesh,
- webkitten,
- FryToys,
- yumeplanet.
10 183 628
12 years ago
lol. you gotta 'pay to play' my man.
432 4 822
12 years ago
Aw c'mon, somebody cut Liam a break. As long as Liam isn't actually 45.
10 183 628
12 years ago
this kid is driving me nuts (notification emails out the ying yang)... your answer is in the 6th comment down...
10 183 628
12 years ago
'im excited'
hahahaa too good. its okay, just giving you a hard time.
337 2257 77
12 years ago
Liam, as a Rotocasted member you need to remember you are posting publicly, not privately. Being young is not an excuse to act immature, therefore I would greatly appreciate it if you treated the other members with respect. If Auryn says the Moofia piece is not yet available, don't argue with him and whine about it!
432 4 822
12 years ago
Or maybe the grown-ups could try not to react so strongly to a 12-year-old acting like a 12-year-old. Not that I would expect fliphappy to react mildly to anything. We in dire need of some Bearycalm in here.
262 11 17
12 years ago
For sale is a complete moofia set of all 11 for sale on eBay!!!!!
262 11 17
12 years ago
262 11 17
12 years ago
Or best offer, it's a complete set. I rarely seen a complete set before.
10 183 628
12 years ago
i am with liam on this one..
262 11 17
12 years ago
Get on eBay and make an offer, otherwise try to find a complete set and try to find one at that price.
1881 1896 2109
12 years ago
Sure he does. He's just a bit grumpy most of the time. We love him like that! :)
Here's an example where he is sweet: http://rotocasted.com/toy/29185/
10 183 628
12 years ago
@flip. usually i am 100% with you about the 'cant afford it? move on, and dont complain'.. but as soon as you advertise in the comments that you have something for sale, i believe you are free game (not to mention a FS section on the KR boards).. i did the math, its approx a 300% markup. and on top of that, its not even like these toys are made in a small run, hell there's not even a number there for 'quantity'. as for you econ lecture, the markup is so high that i would put money on it that no one would buy a moofia set at a mark up that ridiculous.
10 183 628
12 years ago
when you tried to tell us to stop complaining over the 300% mark up.
10 183 628
12 years ago
good to know about the 8/3. learn something new everyday.
and they are hard to find because no one wants to get rid of em! so cute. lol
10 183 628
12 years ago
all my friends make fun of me for collecting 'toys'... will you be my friend (and trade me your foster!!!)?? heheheee
280 25 634
12 years ago
Not a good enough friend to be defosterised. :D
10 183 628
12 years ago
why wait? START NOW! so i can buy more toys!! lol
10 183 628
12 years ago
Good lord. 41 dollars. Liam is going hard in the paint! Im outta that one!
10 183 628
12 years ago
lol popmonster. no one has an issue with him. he just deleted some of his comments so it probably looks like we ganged up on him (which wasnt the case).. everyone is excited about collecting!
131 392 100
12 years ago
He's not confused because the comments got deleted. It is Liam.
280 25 634
12 years ago
Ah I see. So does that mean if I become two people that I can get twice as many toys?
131 392 100
12 years ago
That would mean double the amount of garurus and i'm sure you'd hate that.
280 25 634
12 years ago
Oh god yes you're right, urgh, scrap that idea.
81 93 6
12 years ago
Actually I'm not liam
13 193 3
11 years ago
You're not Liam?
62 74 2
11 years ago
Anybody have this/riso/creamina available? :)