is a service for toy collectors.
Its library contains photos and information on 52814 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

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  • vinylgoddess


    365 108 162

    14 years ago

    Still available! :)

  • romanqueeen


    169 9 20

    14 years ago

    Just arrived. This guy is AWESOME. Photos don't do it justice!

  • jeremyriad angel


    566 356 245

    14 years ago

    This really is awesome. I probably need to stop spending money on production toys, but when you see one like this, you're just like: maybe I'll stop with the next one :)

  • JohnQPublic


    13 years ago

    Is anyone looking to sell/trade one of these?

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    so, thx to jazzydan, i just got the only available one from outlandstore... and thx to you, too for shrinking my pockets ;)

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    congrats, if I had the money I would have beat you to it, awesome toy!!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    well, now you can come over and beat me UP instead, so you can run out of the house with this and other toys under your arms ;)

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    I wouldn't do that, I'm a lover not a fighter.

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    fine, then love me instead and take your reward home

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    SillyK, We already paired off dan with elissa. We're all pretty sure they're in love.
    You'll have to make do with me :p

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    He's only my husband. Everyone knows things go downhill once you say 'I do'. We don't even sleep in the same county, let alone the same bed ;P :D

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    She loves me really, I can tell.

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    she does, dan, she does!!! adorable you 2

    and lord, i had no idea, that this is, how the members on rotocast do it...hopping from one member to the other, in case they are occupied ;)

  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    You could always join our marriage SillyK :P I'm sure Jazzydan would love having another wife :P

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    no fair! he gets all the toys AND two wives??

  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    13 years ago

    all those toy/art discussions are so interesting :-P
    may I join you?

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    ok, how about this - five-way marriage, me, dan, elissa, silly and ama :P

  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    13 years ago

    sounds pretty fine to me, but let's get a japanese husband in this marriage too (to help us all get our asian toys)

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    when i read your offer, lord, all i can think of, is the huuuuge toy collection, we all would have, if we 5 would live together in one house..

    to this date it would be 1920 toys in one household...

    lets all get married, please!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    hahaha vera... i think, we both had similar thoughts :D


  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    My boyfriend's Chinese, is that close enough amavevera? :D

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    toy prenup. Just sayin'

  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    13 years ago

    hahaha, and poof the romance is gone!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    I don't know I go to bed, wake up and look whats going on!

    Anyway I only have eyes for Elissa.

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    aww, dan, you hopeless romantic! elissa, get him, before somebody else does!

  • Irit angel


    292 166 96

    13 years ago


  • elissa_s


    388 689 743

    13 years ago

    What do you mean 'get him'? He's already my husband!

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    13 years ago

    I see some of you snatched them from Outland but I still have a few of them aswell >>

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    @ mintyfresh: i just told 2 board members on KR, that you still have 2 of those misfortune cats in stock. i guess, they are gone, soon, too ;)

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    omg toy...are you serious??????? i will send you an e-mail in a sec...but not about buying it...

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    Yep.....not FEEEEEEELING it all.....

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    i can't believe this!!!! everyones taste is different. i know...but i am sad, you don't like it :(

    i won't hit you...or maybe i will... a nice punch on the back of your head to make you think clear again

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    probably! it is great, that you even offer it for less money to somebody :-*

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    I have no animals in my apppparrrtttmmmeenntt, but the toy has been exposed to heavy hash smoking for two weeks!

    You could get cancer!!!!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    i think, i figured out, why you don't "feel it"...
    since you are a big believer of karma, i guess, you are afraid, that this little guy really brings some misfortune in your home ;)
    i have 3 of them...the bad luck is floating above my head, i tell you <3

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    toy are you kidding?! 60 $?! i buy it and customize it! i am serious! give me your paypal infos n stuff...

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    this would be a great platform!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    or you other people get it now! 60 $ is such a great price...why did i buy mine for so much more?! :(

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    U have my email addy...Sure u want to customize a 100 limited? That's sooo wild...Only 99 left!
    You're a TOY KILLER, SIL!

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    i know...this is the's a freaking cheap price! i won't even get the classic misfortune cat (white) for that price...and it is sold out, too i think...

    so i would have to switch to the playge version for customization!

    i am a toy killer, but i make a total new toy out of it!

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    My hobby is burning paper money......but I could never RAPE a toy....

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago

    i would do a lot of things to this thing :D

    wow...raping a toy sounds evil....

    you don't rape them, no you just eat them for breakfast...i don't know, what i worse

  • jeremyriad angel


    566 356 245

    13 years ago

    Dudes! Get a room! You're killing me with all these email notifications!

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    M U R D E R !

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    13 years ago


  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    Want to buy mine, Jeremy???

    Yes, it's a notifier! :)

    Super cheap.......

  • jeremyriad angel


    566 356 245

    13 years ago

    I have one, and I really dig it! It's stayed in a prominent spot near my desk since I got it. I know there must be people after this. What about jazzydan. Sound the jazzydan alarm! Oh wait, he probably got like 2 dozen email notifications already...

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    2 dozen?

    Get a life!


  • jeremyriad angel


    566 356 245

    13 years ago

    I'm just giving you a hard time, ToyPunkJan. For some reason I have notifications set for toys I HAVE and toys I WANT. Wouldn't you know it? Right now, the ability to change notifications seems to be spinning. I'll change it as soon as I can. Carry on, toy collectors!

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    Now I'm gonna talk .....for ages about my unhappy childhood a gay boy....

    Can you set your settings or something?

    Here goes....


  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    I was 5 or 6 when it all started...

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    13 years ago

    hehe, at least now you have a man and apparently a whole lot of toys, so it turned out all right for you, Jan :p

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    Jesus Christ, I wake up to like 50 notification emails, all drivel. Is this like foreplay for you 2 or something.

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    Do you want this cat or not, Dan?

  • Spaztrick angel


    442 157 38

    13 years ago

    Toy, I'm tempted to take you up on the offer, but I really want the original version since I already own this one.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago

    Sorry dude, spanked my wad (oooer) on the new Abell Octovan release.

  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    13 years ago

    how much is Abell Octovan, I was wondering?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    13 years ago


  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    13 years ago

    Last batch i got from the distributor !

  • drjenkins


    33 27 4

    13 years ago

    I need one of these, minus the really bad exchange rate. ; )

  • comixguru


    181 166 9

    11 years ago

    Anyone want to sell theirs? :) -alice.

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