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Jaffa Hoff figure by Peskimo, produced by Kidrobot. Front view.

Front view

Jaffa Hoff figure by Peskimo, produced by Kidrobot. Back view.
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  • sn1zln3rd


    12 0 23

    14 years ago

    I just love this guy, espacially this cute bunny, but he's still missing in my BambooZoo collection. So if anyone of you has one to spare or doesn't want to keep it, please contact me via email: csuchard[at]
    If you're fine with PayPal and sending stuff to Germany, I'm sure we'll get along just fine. ;)

  • kpatl


    13 years ago

    Hi idoblu,

    I know a few days ago Jaffa Hoff was available from this thread for $15. I bought a few toys the seller is really nice.

  • kpatl


    13 years ago

    sorry, epic interwebz glitch.

  • kpatl


    13 years ago

    darn, sorry idoblu!

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