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  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    14 years ago

    I've got one for sale or trade. Electronic mail me at fuzzbuffin at hotmail.

  • Deviantbookend


    65 87 41

    14 years ago

    I have a complete set almost!

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    14 years ago

    @Deviantbookend What are you lacking?

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    14 years ago

    So you have the Glassblower?

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    14 years ago

    Wait, so you HAVE all the city folk? Allow me to rub my eyes and look again to make sure I'm not hallucinating. *squinky squinky*

  • Deviantbookend


    65 87 41

    14 years ago

    Yea I have them except two. Have you looked at my collection? Its just Jurevicius. I do like Tik Tok Apoc. and started on just a few others.

  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    14 years ago

    @Deviantbookend: I love Jurevicius. You should get the Scarygirl figures also- they are awesome. Bunniguru is my favorite

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    14 years ago

    @Deviantbookend. I've got an extra Wood Dragon from Tik Tok Apocalypse if you're interested.

  • Deviantbookend


    65 87 41

    14 years ago

    I am interested.

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    13 years ago

    I'm open to trading, but I rather fear that the only Jurevicius I want are the rarer ones, like the Troll Skull, Tree Scavenger, regular Treedweller, alt. City Maid. I also want the regular Gnome from Tik Tok Apocalypse. Or I can sell it to you for $15, shipping included.

  • Deviantbookend


    65 87 41

    13 years ago

    Lucky for you I have extras of all but now willing to trade for just one. Treedweller is my favorite and I have three. Just one extra Skull though.

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    13 years ago

    That's great! Do you think any of them are worth trading for a Wood Dragon?

  • Tristan angel


    343 224 314

    13 years ago

    @ Deviantbookend. Is there an email I can reach you at? I'm interested in your Jurevicius chases and have a bit of cash to spend and odds and ends to trade.

  • Deviantbookend


    65 87 41

    13 years ago

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