Front view
Darth Vader Companion
- Artist:
- Sculptor:
- Perfect-Studio
- Manufacturer:
- Medicom Toy
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Platform:
- Darth Vader Companion
- Series:
- Companion
- Mini series:
- Star Wars Companion
- Size:
- 10
- Color:
- Black
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Quantity:
- 1000
- Year:
- 2007
Where to buy?
- Kiedoy,
- punkmachine,
- coab,
- vinyltoyz,
- TheMonarch,
- adrian,
- topqualitypro,
- saucemoola,
- costa,
- 3DRetroBen,
- xx,
- rtysmith,
- thehanggang,
- lapolab,
- jorasp,
- dunnybunny,
- cheryln_aaron,
- fifizzle,
- chris,
- roguerebel,
- 5z,
- artscouting,
- nvs03lex,
- harrywid,
- vinylcrazy,
- sandyklep,
- Silly_Fukar,
- chillywilly153,
- wazeemu,
- jackassbeirut,
- yome,
- oicyu8chu,
- KV,
- nictok,
- Philpenn,
- orangeroad,
- xkij,
- wujekjo27,
- reeno.art,
- Nico777444.
- Owlztoyz,
- charles,
- cruzron,
- krakit,
- Danimal,
- cruzboy72,
- purplevg,
- amuse33,
- daveboss,
- jonpaulkaiser,
- sparksmemphis,
- delme,
- Toasted678,
- oitoart,
- Afropencil,
- mytoybox,
- fiendz,
- Draifet,
- pimpsc00by,
- michaelagraham,
- icore,
- CraigMadigan,
- gimbat,
- thisisnevermore,
- pulehoopo,
- Isilme,
- CoMus,
- Jgodinez302,
- fash153,
- elevatedflow,
- hu8o,
- GmidD,
- saltnpappa,
- robotbacon,
- wony,
- albin,
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- Mess,
- colourspot,
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- RobxDrew,
- ralmeida,
- EN,
- MiddleClass,
- monkee,
- munkyman,
- x3thelast,
- osirus,
- WC,
- Mintyfresh,
- peetch,
- lowtech,
- eclord,
- gokunick,
- ethygy,
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- sarahbeara76,
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- mrphresh,
- sampersand,
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- Modateur,
- Ash_Shiota,
- poptoysgallery,
- SrPopo,
- pop77,
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- wingedyeti,
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- Wart,
- deVito,
- yetiman2196,
- Hannessee,
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- Gwailo,
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- Rathead,
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- ZombieCupcake,
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- quinntheboss,
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- ulf,
- creatorzenn,
- reno12,
- ikky,
- tatgear,
- SketchArmstrong,
- X_Person,
- kopponigen,
- boops,
- Timo29,
- bones,
- allthethings,
- benolen,
- benkrueger,
- SpaceCadet1134,
- artsaholix,
- Colladdic,
- TheTrooper.
93 998 15
12 years ago
I would love to take one