Front view
- Artist:
- Jeremy Fish
- Manufacturer:
- Ningyoushi
- Type:
- Mini Figure
- Mini series:
- Getsmall SF
- Size:
- 3.0
- Color:
- White
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2006
Where to buy?
- nomokun,
- LunchMoney,
- HaynMade,
- Vadim,
- vinyleschiles,
- puffin28,
- bovinyl,
- brandonnn,
- Miss_Oneyes,
- Danimal,
- Marcuzilla,
- on45or33,
- deadlemming,
- SeskaFuze,
- veggiesomething,
- oitoart,
- toddivision,
- debz,
- Scepticon,
- pea_knuck,
- rotokirby,
- jeremyriad,
- ilmarta,
- TokyoBunnie,
- vinylcreep,
- Plastic_Chapel,
- Leecifer,
- theshitabyss,
- thisisnevermore,
- SteveMorris,
- eatyourchildren,
- PhiledePhaurce,
- tenacioustoys,
- earthglass,
- mottlebot,
- tedwarhc,
- Deviantbookend,
- WachineMachine,
- amavevera,
- monkeywonder,
- CH2CHCl,
- lordsketch,
- poczynek,
- Spaztrick,
- saL,
- purplevg,
- SatelliteOverNY,
- airmak90,
- ironsoft,
- robotlove,
- GeorgeGaspar,
- vinylgrrrl8,
- joealmighty77,
- budros,
- colourspot,
- kaidaspeed,
- incorrectlyguessing,
- pinkghost,
- turbopistola,
- smokebelch,
- jimmy_fly,
- oreinstein,
- delusionalexit2,
- reactor88,
- bkz41,
- Mintyfresh,
- yaiworld,
- PlasticPlanet,
- daviecakes,
- MollysToys,
- lapolab,
- nanou,
- louxas,
- textdrivebys,
- wingedyeti,
- drummerboy67,
- poopchalupa,
- xfalcon,
- recidivist,
- marg_21,
- vinylmonster,
- eessbb,
- bort77,
- thisguymatt,
- chameleon,
- Adulteress,
- blkbx,
- vinylhammer,
- Tequillasun,
- FistfulOfBunnies,
- kellan,
- eek,
- Silly_Fukar,
- insomaniac,
- ulf,
- 45ers,
- plaStig,
- frankiepelle,
- marissaurus,
- jazzydan,
- lex2000,
- Flyingfunk,
- wereodile,
- Zukaty,
- goldy1jac,
- CounterbalanceC,
- ArjenPfaffNL,
- Colladdic.
- VinylMilo,
- jonpaulkaiser,
- everyeskimo,
- heftygram,
- waitamo,
- sakiwaki,
- supremeninja,
- gfrom,
- FearKonstruktor,
- pulehoopo,
- velvet,
- lil,
- 3EyePanda,
- JarebFoosh,
- devinslist,
- jakefowler,
- bishbashdash,
- smancini,
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- hhahahahah,
- Dewey,
- DHRUSr2daA,
- Draifet,
- Somekindofjoke,
- dotrawr,
- gokunick,
- bananaman,
- hu8o,
- PlastikoweSerce,
- jemappellekat,
- bones,
- YourSoRad,
- Nathan23Archer,
- citrusface,
- videoarmageddon,
- DaniCunha,
- wekillyou,
- earthnest,
- Edmonton,
- joelyv,
- wpaarts,
- ToyPunkJan,
- VinylFaun,
- MrGrumplesworth,
- deVito,
- saraharvey,
- RyanRoberts,
- plaguedoctor,
- stonelordz,
- Chicken,
- GrownManToys,
- Petit_tintin,
- deadpute,
- strangerfactory,
- streetflyz,
- creatorzenn,
- smitty,
- gloomer,
- DJDr4g0n,
- SteveTheRecycler,
- Owlztoyz,
- pincushionman,
- parnoo,
- endoprine,
- MelancholySpawn,
- keikuu,
- allthethings,
- losmortimerrotocasted,
- supercooperberella,
- badAnatomy,
- dbuendia,
- superconductor,
- krett.
65 87 41
14 years ago
Would trade. (FearKonstruktor & JarebFoosh you have a glassblower. Oh please sirs!)
381 1089 1433
14 years ago
won this on ebay today. slowly chipping away at the o'l wishlist, one little toy at a time :)
309 72 9
13 years ago
I have one with no packaging
213 246 90
13 years ago
I need one too.
47 0 6
13 years ago
I have one as well. Let me take a look to check if I have the packaging around. Will be a couple of days until I can look since it is a busy weekend.
47 0 6
13 years ago
I found the box for the Bunnyskull. If you want I can send you a couple of photos of it, so you can see how it looks. Let me know.