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Cursed Twins figure by Patricio Oliver (Po!), produced by Kidrobot. Front view.

Front view

Cursed Twins figure by Patricio Oliver (Po!), produced by Kidrobot. Front view.
Front view
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  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    14 years ago

    great pair!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    14 years ago

    way cool!!

  • patriciooliver


    39 30 28

    13 years ago


  • BoxingXius


    18 9 294

    13 years ago

    $99.99? Seriously?

  • mattio


    117 418 23

    13 years ago

    @Patricio: These are some of my all time fave toys... can u do a bigger edition??!!

    @Art Attack Toys: DIE DIRTY FLIPPERS!

  • jonpaulkaiser angel


    556 952 193

    13 years ago

    I'm not big on dissing flippers, but have you seen the prices Art Attack Toys are asking for other toys as well? The commons are overpriced, the chases are outrageous!

  • mattio


    117 418 23

    13 years ago

    I was kinda kidding, I'm not against flippers or flipping, sometimes it's been the only way to score toys against the unwashed masses! But, Art Attack lives up to their name. =P

  • spatula007


    645 107 44

    13 years ago

    I agree with mattio from earlier. I'd love these as a 6-inch or 8-inch version. Hell, even an 18-inch version would be uber-creepy.

  • patriciooliver


    39 30 28

    12 years ago

    I wish I could do them I guess people should ask Kid Robot cheers

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