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Madness figure by Dave Kinsey, produced by Adfunture. Front view.

Front view

Madness figure by Dave Kinsey, produced by Adfunture. Front view.
Front view
Madness figure by Dave Kinsey, produced by Adfunture. Front view.
Front view
Madness figure by Dave Kinsey, produced by Adfunture. Front view.
Front view
Madness figure by Dave Kinsey, produced by Adfunture. Front view.
Front view
Madness figure by Dave Kinsey, produced by Adfunture. Back view.
Back view
Madness figure by Dave Kinsey, produced by Adfunture. Packaging.
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  • Somekindofjoke


    17 6 10

    14 years ago

    if anyone has a set of these guys i REALLY would love to buy them

    hit me up at please, or on the Kidrobot forums.

  • MaquetteCity angel


    154 129 400

    12 years ago

    Interesting to see a set of these,boxed,failed to sell on Ebay just a few days ago.They were asking £60 for them. :)

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Toy market is definitely low at the moment, My Jled auctions have also been finishing pretty low compared to a year or 2 ago.

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    yup, but sayin that, buy, don't sell?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Yeah its nice to pick up some missing pieces at a good price, jut clearing out some stuff to make cabinet space. I'm falling out of love with Jled, so he's the first to go. No offence to Joe, I still think his stuff is awesome, just to much of it, and it doesn't really fit with my style anymore.

  • MiddleClass


    95 534 124

    12 years ago

    ^ was it the snow bunny you had on ebay?

  • MisterQuiche


    185 83 831

    12 years ago

    Yup, i understand, a lot of my stuff is now boxed up and put away, maybe i will fall back in love with it some day. Way back when I sold all my season 1 & 2 dunnys, now i miss them

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    No not my snow bunny, I would keep that bad boy if I had it.

    I'm gonna keep a few select Jled pieces. Maybe the KFGU stuff.

  • MiddleClass


    95 534 124

    12 years ago

    I'm buying a lot more toys compared to a few years ago, just because most of them sell for less than retail ! It's indeed a good time to buy, not to sell. I find it crazy that the price of JLed, Jarvis, Michael Lau stuff dropped like crazy. A few years ago i sold a grey king ken for $500, now you can buy one for $200...

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Either we're getting old, or the general persons taste in toys is getting worse ;)

  • Vadim angel


    777 516 471

    12 years ago

    Dunnys are still sell like hotcakes.
    I'm considering selling most of my dunnys. I stopped buying dunnys more than a year ago, guess now it's time to start getting rid of what I have :)

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    I really try to think, when I buy a toy - if the entire toy world collapses tomorrow and I can't sell any of it, do I *really* want this?

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    12 years ago

    Why buy things if you are going to sell them later on? I only ever buy something I want in my collection for life and has nothing to do with the end line. If I wanted to make a profit, I would buy shares.

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    oh, I never bought anything *in order* to sell it. but sometimes you think that's kind of cool" and buy it, and in the back of your head you're thinking, I can sell it when I get tired of it.
    Now I'm looking for real passion :)

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    12 years ago

    I guess I have always only purchased with a real passion, that being said, I would happily part with the handful of dunnys I have hahahah

  • Vadim angel


    777 516 471

    12 years ago

    Preferences change as time passes, and you buy a figure "with a real passion" today, but feel different about it tomorrow.
    Also, as collection grows, you suddenly find yourself with no space for new figures, so unless you're leaving in a mansion, you have to sell some of the old toys to free some space for new toys.

  • Vadim angel


    777 516 471

    12 years ago

    As for dunnys, I believe a lot of collectors pass through a stage when they buy a lot of dunnys just to complete a series.
    I know, I did. And so I have a lot of dunnys that weren't purchased because I really like the design, but simply to complete (or at least trying to complete) a series.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    I often get rid of stuff when I have dealings with the artist and they turn out to be a douche bag! I just can't collect stuff, if I don't like the person.

  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    12 years ago

    Dan, I usually have the complementing effect - when I meet an artist and they're a sweetheart, I feel much more comfortable shelling the big bucks for their stuff :)

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Absolutely Mr. Sketch couldn't agree more :)

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