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  • isuck


    40 1999 75

    12 years ago

    It's a designer? Cool! But it's just a diy toy.

  • reeorchs


    126 27 14

    12 years ago

    Just a DIY toy or a pretty cool sculpture for my black/white-livingroom :)

  • karm


    54 31 10

    12 years ago

    Anyone selling or know where I can get please?

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    I think The Hang Gang are going to be stocking these.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    If your collecting blanks Karm, I have a blank white prototype by Tan-Ki, this shape.

  • karm


    54 31 10

    12 years ago

    hi jazzydan - thanks for getting back to me with this :-) - is yours 3 inch or bigger - what kinda price you thinking mate?

  • RICO


    208 34 127

    12 years ago

    got 3!!!

  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    12 years ago

    @jazzydan - pls answer if yours is 3 inch or bigger, or somebody else will have to answer for you :P

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Mines huge, you can see it from space.

    But seriously its a 3" figure.

  • karm


    54 31 10

    12 years ago

    Ha ha, I'll tee them up...
    3's a bit too small mate sorry, 8 inch or more always ideally...
    Seriously, this conversation is not going where I wanted it to go!
    @amavevera you're getting the blame! :-)

  • karm


    54 31 10

    12 years ago

    RICO - got 3 paws as in you fancy selling 1? I'm in if you do!

  • karm


    54 31 10

    12 years ago

    Great hang gang shout btw @jazzydan!

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    12 years ago

    Hang Gang Rule!

  • RICO


    208 34 127

    12 years ago

    @Karm, I'll keep you in mind if i decided too. I'm thinking of painting 2 and keeping one raw.

  • Lukanasia angel


    50 342 66

    12 years ago

    Anyone know the quantity on these?

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    ill be getting a shitload of these and considering they were sold insanely in Coarse their own shop I ay at least edition of 1000

  • Lukanasia angel


    50 342 66

    12 years ago

    Thanks! I figured it would be a high run as cheap as they are (for a Coarse figure).

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    yeah but also no paintjob saves a shitload of cash :D

  • RICO


    208 34 127

    12 years ago

    Minty- They sold these out of their gallery or did you mean off of the web?

  • HonestCrooks


    75 0 121

    12 years ago

    Off the web. They'll be in retail quite some time after they send out the online orders :)

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    Well I tried ordering more last week and I was told it was going to be difficult, but they would now more after everyhting is send out to retailers and customers!

    FYI, I got my hands on 40 pieces....

  • HonestCrooks


    75 0 121

    12 years ago

    You can hold me aside one Minty! :) Maybe I can combine it with another release by then :p

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    Yeah always possible just send me an email as a reminder, and I'll make a reservation !

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    \o\ yay /o/ I just got confirmation on the PAW shipping :D should be here soon !!!!

  • isuck


    40 1999 75

    12 years ago

    some stuff already arrived for some kr boardies.

  • ikar11 angel


    511 109 128

    12 years ago

    I know that some already received the Paw, but status of my order is still "Awaiting Fulfillment" ((((

  • ikar11 angel


    511 109 128

    12 years ago

    >>I just got confirmation on the PAW shipping :D should be here soon !!!!

    Prepare for Russian attack, Minty! ))))

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    LOL i see that ikar11, a big amount of stock is indeed going to Moscow on arrival of the PAW :D

  • AlPred angel


    396 106 218

    12 years ago

    Rijnsburg + Moscow = Raw Friendship(ping)! )))

  • RICO


    208 34 127

    12 years ago

    Got mine. It's my first paw. :0)

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    AlPred to Compare: 15.000 vs 11.000.000 inhabitants :D

  • VLN


    510 483 36

    12 years ago

    And my order is marked "processed" now.
    This is really better than "Awaiting Fulfillment" :))

  • JesseFromJersey


    39 104 34

    12 years ago

    So crisp and clean......

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    1st Shipment Arrived today !! after a long process at customs 20 pieces will be shipped today, hopefully more next week !

  • Mintyfresh angel


    353 606 632

    12 years ago

    anybody doubting the awesomenss of this figure >>

  • JesseFromJersey


    39 104 34

    12 years ago

    I really want to get this, just have no money at the moment! :(

  • SiriX angel


    162 178 43

    12 years ago

    After months of waiting, DIY Paw! finally in my collection (:

  • monophoton


    1479 332 28

    12 years ago

    FYI: These are back in stock at the moment.

  • Jont


    7 4 3

    10 years ago

    So Pure luv on my white table tops It's so powerful

  • Sugoi


    61 93 254

    10 years ago

    wouldnt be great a custom attack on titan paw!? :D

  • Zukaty


    171 76 53

    10 years ago

    Someone get ToyTerror on it, I'm sure he will kill it :)

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