Front view
Gold Gumball Dunny
- Artist:
- Frames
- Manufacturer:
- Kidrobot
- Type:
- Mini Figure
- Platform:
- Dunny
- Series:
- Dunny 2011
- Ratio:
- ?/??
- Size:
- 3
- Color:
- Gold
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2011
Where to buy?
- mrphresh,
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- jjH8te,
- Irit,
- Baz,
- steen182,
- pkoi,
- Hellosundae,
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- iamjunk,
- Hovdog,
- pequeton,
- EN,
- drewblood,
- lisacoats,
- DollyOblong,
- snappythingy,
- daniellegriffith,
- szym84,
- PlastikoweSerce,
- Badstainless,
- louisnguyen97,
- NuTTzO,
- reeorchs,
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- Vividtaco,
- luxielou,
- Girlfromtheattic,
- MoralWarfare,
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- devito1195,
- spenc,
- The_Finest,
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- d1rtyb345t,
- nickfisher,
- superchan,
- areohbe,
- Pogomaniac,
- danimaniac,
- dro333,
- Silly_Fukar,
- chopper,
- Kalima45,
- Robot_Brain,
- rotocola,
- maryadem,
- jbiele,
- juliusdt,
- Patch,
- kidrobotkid8,
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- Madaboy27,
- jasonm304,
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- 098,
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- CalvinChew,
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- Bat,
- EvarArts,
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- DannyDuoshade,
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- hydrolon,
- mgabiferrari,
- X_Person,
- albin,
- darkflame,
- nerdwithme,
- lucie,
- Raidac,
- Flashgott,
- czarine097,
- jellybelly64,
- phoqz,
- momthatcollects.
19 664 8
13 years ago
So, this is the chase version?....
208 64 33
13 years ago
185 83 831
13 years ago
i prefer the original by a long shot
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Me to, they are both awesome though. Hope they do another colour, SDCC11 exclusive maybe? Or an 8 inch, or 20 inch version.
68 78 13
13 years ago
Actually a 8 inch of this would be great!
340 182 58
13 years ago
They should have a huge one at toy stores that released 3" ones or some other little toy
146 63 16
12 years ago
I have both, they both are pretty cool. I guess I like this one a bit more just cause this is a chase.