Front view
Zombie Hunter
- Artist:
- Huck Gee
- Manufacturer:
- Kidrobot
- Type:
- Mini Figure
- Platform:
- Dunny
- Series:
- Dunny 2011
- Ratio:
- 1/200
- Size:
- 2.5
- Color:
- Brown
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Year:
- 2011
Where to buy?
- deathman,
- Janeeliz22,
- mrmcdee,
- ImAFatCat,
- BaZooKo,
- reeorchs,
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- gregdeezey,
- initial3t,
- tm_tokyo,
- rhysbrown,
- quijanoth,
- xkaokaox,
- HiCeeVee,
- mytoybox,
- jjH8te,
- kupooinc,
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- mcdunny,
- NerpS,
- ReyChemo,
- kingsteven,
- Metz27,
- vinylcrazy,
- mediafavorites,
- Bu_k,
- DunnyAddicts,
- d1rtyb345t,
- Vinyleye,
- superchan,
- nickfisher,
- ry,
- Silly_Fukar,
- soul,
- Madaboy27,
- jasonm304,
- dxjock,
- pyrodog,
- CheeseSticks,
- Staveinator,
- xiaobai,
- vinyl_figure,
- fenguin,
- Danimal,
- epersonne,
- goldy1jac,
- HazrenKapow,
- openblindboxes.
- poopiepants,
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- natetyley,
- shrubs,
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- turbobert,
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- Wart,
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- mo0bi3z,
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- emmanouil77,
- purple_alice,
- fotojunkaay,
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- sbeauchef,
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- affykid,
- WhitneyLikeBamm,
- boombapclap,
- neeonfox808,
- mimanwi,
- jaqawilliams,
- yomingo,
- Mouser,
- bhonestabe,
- astroblast,
- kramsonite,
- MercUrFace,
- E_Nichole,
- Kalima45,
- rotocola,
- danimaniac,
- ulf,
- Liam,
- chopper,
- hawaii_dunny,
- GBCh,
- jbiele,
- alybishnu,
- aarhcreative,
- Larcfield,
- Patch,
- kidrobotkid8,
- love_my_vinyl,
- Lanafied,
- CalvinChew,
- Alysbihnu,
- jackmtr,
- Bigtoypoo,
- mrphresh,
- GarciaPine,
- reno12,
- Cinister,
- furratug,
- frankthefish,
- Jimson,
- Athyndir,
- Flashgott,
- phoqs,
- Colladdic,
- phoqz,
- TheTrooper.
556 952 193
13 years ago
1 in 200.
208 64 33
13 years ago
I got two in a row!! 2/2 for young couk.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
were you at KRLDN? Congrats on the great pulls :)
556 952 193
13 years ago
Bah! Outbid!
208 64 33
13 years ago
No, I was in Leeds at a Forbidden Planet. Me and two other people!
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Blimey, KRLDN was rammened cueing up the road.
388 689 743
13 years ago
Reppin' Leeds FP :P nah, jokes, pricing there is so backwards. And the sales people never smile! How much are they selling blind boxes for couk?
252 239 16
13 years ago
Maybe some day..
208 64 33
13 years ago
£8 at FP. They don't smile much, but there's a good reason for it. A lot of their more socially uneducated clientèle are enough to wipe the joy from the happiest man alive. They're good people, they are my friends :)
They had 4 or 5 cases to start with, I bought 6 boxes and some were opened for the display stand, I can almost guarantee they still have 2 or 3 sealed cases left, but if I got 2 hunters, the probability of there being more would seemingly be less!
208 64 33
13 years ago
I might have to sell both of mine to be honest, I have to raise funds for an exhibition :S The collector community is going to brand me a sellout, I know it.
388 689 743
13 years ago
I got a couple yesterday, ones I didn't want. Got to stop buying blind boxes! And I can imagine I suppose, what with Twilight being such a prevalent thing in FP stores now. Ugh.
208 64 33
13 years ago
They've got to make money somehow, evidently they don't do so well on vinyl. I do love collecting but their selection appears to have been almost completely monopolised by Kidrobot and not a lot else. KR have got some great stuff but there's way better stuff out there and a great deal of the dunny designs leave me a little cold (this one included in my cynical little opinion)
You a Leeds resident too then elissa?
388 689 743
13 years ago
Agreed. I want more Qees! :) And no, I live in Bradford, but it's poor for shopping, and full of chavs :P
343 224 314
13 years ago
Politely curious American would like know: what's a chav?
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
This toy really has weak eyes. Looks like they were drawn by a 6 year old kid.
EDIT: I hate the way that stupid Santa beard looks too!
129 25 10
13 years ago
Just pulled this out of a blind box today :) Huck Gee is coming to do a signing near me so I'll try and get it signed as well!
444 112 128
12 years ago
Just pulled this BB today! Really happy with it! Pictures don't do this justice!