Pip and Norton
- Artist:
- Dave Cooper
- Manufacturer:
- Critterbox
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Size:
- 7.5
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Quantity:
- 3000
- Year:
- 2004
Where to buy?
- sergeySafonov,
- nomokun,
- sjorstrimbach,
- Mishgun,
- Nerderella,
- smellyvinylgoodness,
- rotokirby,
- MApMAp,
- lil,
- jpidgeon,
- hamachitoro,
- tummie,
- 23SPK,
- juanperezx,
- Cunningham,
- Deviantbookend,
- superham,
- GummiFetus,
- geozilla,
- xx,
- LoungeCore,
- Hmatter,
- lowtech,
- gar,
- ToyPunkJan,
- yourjello,
- SteveBaker,
- lapinots,
- caswunn,
- SatelliteOverNY,
- puddinhead,
- PixelGarden,
- tommynathan,
- riki,
- BrainBow,
- MaquetteCity,
- MonsterArm,
- AidanM,
- Terrabear,
- macromarco,
- icethewolf,
- Creativekid,
- kitty714,
- Colladdic,
- fatpluz.
- idle,
- waitamo,
- poptart13,
- smancini,
- zandorf,
- 3EyePanda,
- Plastic_Chapel,
- CalvinChew,
- kewpiecircus,
- spiderjelly,
- pharsyde,
- lordsketch,
- joealmighty77,
- hektor,
- reza,
- supercooperberella,
- yaiworld,
- stoffer,
- SillyK,
- saraharvey,
- akrapf,
- calab,
- frankenfactory,
- krimskytatar,
- Loncho,
- iKarus_,
- davidsundin,
- chancemichael,
- marmalademonkey,
- huaynoamargo,
- micehell,
- affykid,
- astroblast,
- SteveTheRecycler,
- bloodless,
- descloux,
- losmortimerrotocasted,
- LitLambfries,
- allthethings,
- schorsch,
- oldernie,
- Patboy.
1 0 1
13 years ago
Is anyone buying these things anymore? I don't really want it and they sure aren't flying off the shelf on ebay.
154 129 400
12 years ago
I just bought one on Ebay!
They are really nice, never been out of the box.
I remember when they came out but either I didnt see one locally or wasnt buying as many toys back then.
Pip almost has a hand made quality about him which I really like,and Norton...well, Norton is just squat,in a good way!
I'm slowly buying up the iconic toys that got me into the scene in the firstplace.
Oh, and they are really nicely packaged too,shame I dont have the display room to have them in their car! :)
804 2515 1650
12 years ago
And the best packaging ever!
1881 1896 2109
12 years ago
Norton is my favourite 3"er EVER!
And the comic books ruled my world years ago. Shame they were never released as hardcovers. Mine have been read to shreds. Used to smoke a lot more weed back then and study each frame for hours. Stoned! Gosh, Dave Cooper's early works are to die for. Especially his Weasel books where this guy appeared: http://rotocasted.com/toy/127.... Later when he began painting endless lines of naked ladies I was off.
167 142 77
12 years ago
You can find it here:
Dave cooper figures packaging are pieces of art !
154 129 400
12 years ago
I agree about the packaging, I had no idea it was so creative!
Now I have those legs to do something with..hmmmm :)
0 0 1
10 years ago
I just submitted a toy for sale. Opened box, never displayed. In great shape.
1 0 1
9 years ago
how much are these?