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Its library contains photos and information on 52814 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

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  • frankiepelle angel


    647 217 56

    10 years ago

    When the cosmic properties of the Ju Ju Bun are revealed to Rusty and Wiggs, the dark and fluffy black Ken filled their dreams, just as he will fill yours. The most mysterious and magical of all the Kens.
    - via -

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    9 years ago

    Ah. How did I live so long without a King Ken?

  • hu8o angel


    850 1828 327

    9 years ago

    One of my favoritest toys. Lucky to have all six! Finding a reasonably priced white one took me a looong time.

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