Front view
The Destroyer - Web Exclusive
- Artist:
- Buff Monster
- Manufacturer:
- The Loyal Subjects
- Type:
- Designer Toy
- Platform:
- The Destroyer
- Size:
- 14
- Color:
- Grey
- Material:
- Vinyl
- Quantity:
- 99
- Year:
- 2011
Where to buy?
- pekdream,
- Slayerono,
- wrona,
- steve,
- antifaucetwater,
- Nathan23Archer,
- goenz,
- zro_toys,
- cholera,
- thetater,
- fractures,
- mybrainforapen,
- paulsolorzano,
- rhoggard,
- lightxatz,
- plaguedoctor,
- robertXrules,
- Wart,
- steezeeeevana,
- alexandersupertramp,
- mo0bi3z,
- robbert491,
- bloodless,
- Will19es,
- ZombieCupcake,
- bhonestabe,
- Adulteress,
- thewingsart,
- smitty,
- affykid,
- Angelicdreamz,
- astroblast,
- penpointred,
- darkforrest1234,
- Soldatoj57,
- SteveTheRecycler,
- Bergerbot,
- pincushionman,
- favelli,
- homebasspdx,
- creatorzenn,
- modxtoys,
- sharkupine,
- ChrisJ,
- Patboy,
- VinylBeagle,
- keikuu,
- iampierrot,
- park666king,
- davidc,
- supercurio.
499 646 2538
14 years ago
I love buff monster sooooo much!!
388 689 743
14 years ago
Why am I not at all surprised that you were the first to comment? I think this might be my favourite out of the three so far :)
499 646 2538
14 years ago
It's because pink is the new black, and this has pink and black. So it has the new black and the old black. Hence it is awesome!
Also 14 inches is a nice size, trust me.
388 689 743
14 years ago
*Insert penis based reply here*
499 646 2538
14 years ago
You couldn't resist could you!
388 689 743
14 years ago
Oh come on, '14 inches is a nice size, trust me'!!! Pfft. I'm going to start addressing you as Jizzydan. :D
777 516 471
14 years ago
Got this Destroyer today. So awesome!!! :)
499 646 2538
14 years ago
It is awesome, but I think my least favourite of the 3 versions released so far.
57 21 5
13 years ago
I have 2 set up (Grey and Pink Eyes Edition) in back of a Squadt SDCC No. 88, and it's a pretty cool setup! Photos coming soon!