Where to buy?
- Gess_Demon_Roswell,
- SevenCubed,
- PhiledePhaurce,
- sumatra71,
- rtysmith,
- deadzebra,
- xx,
- mendez,
- Toykio,
- jonpaulkaiser,
- Assburrito,
- citrusface,
- wpaarts,
- ASPrintingPress,
- jorester,
- Shankweather,
- plaguedoctor,
- devito1195,
- tommynathan,
- 5z,
- comatoseghost,
- Apeboy,
- biscocrack420,
- gregm,
- Janson,
- killbunny,
- comixguru,
- NSXpert,
- django5135.
- krakit,
- qik,
- tiff,
- rhombusleech,
- j,
- Marcuzilla,
- noon,
- scotchtapefamily,
- doree,
- devinslist,
- hcgrrl,
- alto,
- supershallow,
- colourspot,
- davidsundin,
- SillyK,
- Playgerism86,
- vinylgoddess,
- Nathan23Archer,
- luba,
- mybrainforapen,
- burktodd,
- Wart,
- ickytiki,
- insomaniac,
- isuck,
- krett,
- bones,
- MelancholySpawn,
- tibash,
- allthethings,
- V4MP1R1C_L30,
- superpopstudio,
- aviator7,
- EpicTank,
- davidc,
- patrick40,
- Patboy.
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
So.....I guess Squbes come in 1, 4, 6 and 16" ???
432 4 822
13 years ago
No, 6" is wrong. Squbes are 4". There was one 1" metal one and one 16" fiberglass one.
381 1089 1433
13 years ago
I would love a Sqube chair/stool. If I was rich
13 years ago
If I couldn't have got the green colourway I would have got this white version, and yes if I could I'd love the Sqube chair...