Oh, darn! Can't really remember. His legs? One thing is sure though; set A is impossible to find anywhere. Was really stunned that Rivet had it. All the other sets are easy to find.
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850 1828 327
13 years ago
Color should be OG. There's a plain black version.
850 1828 327
13 years ago
Other versions are plain white, plain yellow, plain blue, and plain GID.
850 1828 327
13 years ago
Yes, I have them all. Not sure if there are other versions. A gold one would be nice.
280 25 634
13 years ago
What is OG?
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
"OG" is an abbreviation of "original".
280 25 634
13 years ago
Learn something new everyday.
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Btw, Linx, did you order the Rolito set from Rivet? I'm so excited. Finally I'm getting the "brain" for the secret rolito. :)
280 25 634
13 years ago
Yes, I'm waiting for the invoice for two sets. So the brain is in the Green T... what's in the Mayo set?
1881 1896 2109
13 years ago
Oh, darn! Can't really remember. His legs?
One thing is sure though; set A is impossible to find anywhere. Was really stunned that Rivet had it. All the other sets are easy to find.