Willing to part with my chase GNOME, for a good offer. Trying to raise funds for a super 7 lucky bag. Worldwide shipping will be ridiculous, as there are REALLY heavy, so probably only worth a look if your in the UK.
well keep me in mind if you really want to part with it...cuz $125 is all I would offer for that....I already have the regular one and the prototype limited to 50 and I did not pay more than that for the prototype.....
yeah Id rather you keep it then me pay more than what its worth.....more or less cuz the exchange rate......there is one that is from your part on ebay right now asking like 150 GBP ....unless its you? I would pay 150 dollars but not pounds.....good luck!
Besides I have some 400% Bearbricks comin in from Japan that I have to buy soon......got a hook up through the local vinyl store.
Not me on ebay. All though I think that is a more realistic price than your offer. They were what $80-$90 new, now sold out, and this is the 1 in 6 chase.
114 20 104
14 years ago
There are 85 of this colourway, not 100.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Willing to part with my chase GNOME, for a good offer. Trying to raise funds for a super 7 lucky bag. Worldwide shipping will be ridiculous, as there are REALLY heavy, so probably only worth a look if your in the UK.
239 62 43
13 years ago
what are you lookin to get for it......?
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Make me an offer.
239 62 43
13 years ago
well keep me in mind if you really want to part with it...cuz $125 is all I would offer for that....I already have the regular one and the prototype limited to 50 and I did not pay more than that for the prototype.....
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather keep it than sell for that amount.
239 62 43
13 years ago
yeah Id rather you keep it then me pay more than what its worth.....more or less cuz the exchange rate......there is one that is from your part on ebay right now asking like 150 GBP ....unless its you? I would pay 150 dollars but not pounds.....good luck!
Besides I have some 400% Bearbricks comin in from Japan that I have to buy soon......got a hook up through the local vinyl store.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Not me on ebay. All though I think that is a more realistic price than your offer. They were what $80-$90 new, now sold out, and this is the 1 in 6 chase.
239 62 43
13 years ago
Like I said......not realistic with the exchange......and maybe sold out where you are at but not here. My guy still has at least 6 of these to sell.
Good luck selling it...
280 44 107
13 years ago
Hey Dan, Is this still availble as im in the UK and will be sitting on spare funds soon :D
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Still available matey. Drop me an email.
499 646 2538
13 years ago
Sold! Thanks man.
860 9 87
12 years ago
wanting to trade the silver D-con version for this