Toys Library.
- Minecraft Creeper - GID
- Smiley Grin Piggy Bank - NYCC 2013
- Mecha Terror - Birdcatcher (SF24 Version)
- The Furry Cup - NYCC '13, Clutter
- Creamy - Colour Version
- S.U.C.K.L.E - Prototype Edition SDCC 2013
- Evel Fett - Boba Edition, SDCC 2013
- Sugar Lamb, Go! - SDCC 2013
- Mys'tea'rious - SDCC 2013
- LucKitty Pon - Gold Edition, WonderCon 2013
- Creamy GID (SDDC version)
- Baxtar Fonzo
- Mapleman Mini Marshall - Maple City Edition
- Creamy (Toby Variant) - Skirball Exclusive
- Sideways OG
- Fang Wolf - GID Bone
- Luster Ji Ja - Grey
- Cryborg - AP
- Squadt Playge Globe Tee
- Squadt Fort Burnout Tee
- Squadt SA Logo Orange Tee
- Squadt Collect & Destroy Tee
- Squadt SA Olive Drab Tee
- Oliver the Bat Boy
- Oliver the Bat Boy
- Oliver the Bat Boy
- Oliver the Bat Boy
- Mortimer the Mortician
- Mortimer the Mortician
- Mortimer the Mortician
- Smurf - Pink DIY
- Smurf - Orange DIY
- Smurf - Blue DIY
- Daisy Black, Taipei Toy Fair 2009
- Royal Tea - ToyCon UK 2013
- Midnight Super Toast - WonderCon 2013
- Chester Runcorn - Brandy
- Dr. Bomb - Wermacht
- Germ s003 [Nuuk] Squadt
- Baby Deadbeet - 24 Hour Toybreak (Variant)
- Baby Deadbeet - 24 Hour Toy Break
- Chaos Bunnies : Pink Bunny #4
- Battle-Damaged Keiko Trooper (Mintyfresh Exclusive)
- Grimm Gourd - Tenacious Toys Exclusive
- Cry-Borg - Tenacious Toys Exclusive
- Cuddlehard - Tenacious Toys Exclusive
- Shirtle - Tenacious Toys Exclusive
- Puke Knight - Tenacious Toys Exclusive
- Domestic Hunger
- The Luster Ji Ja - White
- The Luster Ji Ja - Black
- Grimm Gourd - Rotofugi Exclusive
- Cry-Borg - Rotofugi Exclusive
- Cuddlehard - Rotofugi Exclusive
- Shirtle - Rotofugi Exclusive
- Puke Knight - Rotofugi Exclusive
- Hug the Killer
- Cherry Green
- The Illusion Of Depressing Love
- Glowflage Abomb - NYCC 2008
- Ice Sqube
- Kuro Megami
- Unhappy Star
- Staple Pigeon - Black