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Kaiju TriPus Galaxy
  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Man that is brilliant. Why don't I collect this platform? All of them look so nice.

  • SillyK angel


    154 1426 1657

    11 years ago

    space...the final frontier...these are the voyages of tripus galaxy... boldly go, where no toy has been gone before...

    i really really like his belly! such a sweet paintjob!

  • krett angel


    831 341 56

    11 years ago

    Does anyone know where I can get a hold of one of these guys? I must have him and I don't even really collect in this platform. Thanks!

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    11 years ago

    Sorry krett, it was a one-off.

  • krett angel


    831 341 56

    11 years ago

    Aaarrrggghhh!!! Oh well, I guess I will only be able to adore him via the internet. What a truly stunning piece of work.

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Kaiju TriPus Clear
  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    Looks like a diamond in this pic, but feels kinda cheap when you touch it. And it is cheap! $30 for an 11"!!

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    Yeah, HK clears really shows the quality difference here. Yet it cleans up quite well, just sweats in the packaging.

    I have seen a few painted up in person and they are awesome, nothing stops awesome clear coats bringing this piece out.

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    13 years ago

    I was doing the dishes, and this guy jumped in. It worked. All new and shiny!

  • amavevera angel


    326 75 1144

    13 years ago

    must be great doing the dishes, with those awesome taxali monkeys assisting you :-)

  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    Yeah, dishwashing soap works quite well. I used isopropyl alcohol and gave it a good rub..... forgot about just washing it first :O that would have been the easy way!

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Goto-san Rainbow Kaiju TriPus soft vinyl
  • CoMus angel


    171 468 619

    13 years ago

    I love rainbow coats on clear. You are a lucky boy!

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Kaiju TriPus

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