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inkedwell inkedwell

He is from Kentucky, USA

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8" Misfortune Cat - New Year
  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    Playge forum says this is a 8" release, which is weird since the other full size cats were 9".

  • Shankweather angel


    432 4 822

    10 years ago

    The only way to know the height of a toy is to buy it and measure it. You can't even trust what the manufacturers say because they get it wrong too. You wouldn't think it would be that hard.

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    10 years ago

    completely agree shank. 'nominal sizing' ;)

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Migora Fancy Pink

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Mini Tanuki (リアルヘッド 真平たぬき)
  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    10 years ago

    Istant love of a life time. No black rub! It's pure gold...and shadows.

  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    Top of the wishlist.

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    Oh yes!

  • tsuji


    440 116 11

    10 years ago

    This is fantastic!

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Kaiju Negora (ネゴラ) - Snow Purple
  • Alphakitty


    930 38 82

    10 years ago

    I have an extra of this (accidentally bought one w/o the mini before buying the set, so I'm stuck with 2), and I'm looking to trade for the Mint Negora ( when mine comes in from Japan!

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    I am just jealous you have one, much less two! If you can't find a trader, I would love to pay you top dollar for this little fella right here ;)


  • Alphakitty


    930 38 82

    10 years ago

    I'll def be selling the second one if I can't trade for the Mint (which is the last painted Negora from Konatsu I'm missing, aside from the Lucky which comes in a set)! Probably for very close to what I paid after proxy fees & shipping ^^ I'll shoot you an email if I don't get any trade bites

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    Fewmany came through for me, looks like they had some extras this time. Wish you luck finding that Mint.

  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    Hey Alphakitty, if you still have that extra let me know since auryn picked one up already.

  • Alphakitty


    930 38 82

    10 years ago

    Yup, I still have the extra! It's sitting at my proxy until my whole order comes in, so I'll probably get it in about 2 weeks. It's looking like I won't find a trade partner so I'll be selling for what I paid, $65 shipped ^^

  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    Awesome! Shoot me an email when you get ready to sell it (or any Negoras!). THANKS!

    inkedwellpress (at)

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    Negora fans UNITE, love it :D

  • shinka


    99 135 7

    10 years ago

    so many new negoras all at once! still waiting to hear back from fewmany (╥_╥)

  • Poprock


    62 98 13

    10 years ago

    Just got mine in! Love love love it!
    Would also be willing to trade for the 1year minty one

  • starliss


    11 12 1

    9 years ago

    Still looking for this guy. Wish me luck!

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Negora (ネゴラ) - Ice Candy
  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    Instagram of mine:

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago


    The face on mine is more brown than I imagined it would be, and a little more matte. Details details - not disappointed though.

  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    Yeah. I see that now that you mention it. This is still probably my favorite so far... I love the way the pink pops off the blue.

  • ToyPunkJan angel


    1881 1896 2109

    10 years ago

    God is in the detail, auryn. May be nicer if it was black and glossy - like in this (shitty) pic.
    Still, the matte brown doesn't remove him from my wishlist - not at all.

  • Poprock


    62 98 13

    10 years ago

    Looking to sell or trade! MIB and super cute. No paint rubs!

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Migora Mike

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Kaiju Negora (ネゴラ) Nishiki
  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago


  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    The sprays turned out to be more pinkish-red than orange. Still love it though.

  • auryn angel


    489 56 278

    10 years ago

    Agreed. I love the postcards too, I am going to frame/hang them somewhere. A nice touch.

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Greasebat and Friends Gummi Play Set
  • lordsketch angel


    381 1089 1433

    11 years ago

    these look really fun :)
    I ordered a pack

  • MelancholySpawn


    143 2057 263

    11 years ago

    Just ordered a pack as well, they're adorable little monsters.

  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    I received my pack in the mail today.

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Kaiju Mamera
  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    This little guy is actually a Shibara, not a Negora. Shibara are puppies. Negora are kitties.

  • Zukaty


    171 76 53

    10 years ago

    Actually this is a Mamera, and true they are pups not kitties :P
    Shibaras are these guys big brother.

  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago


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Foster - Glitter Grape, SDCC 2013
  • inkedwell


    299 143 18

    10 years ago

    I was hoping this Foster would be available online, but I guess he sold out at SDCC. Poor me.

  • jazzydan angel


    499 646 2538

    10 years ago

    Anyone got a spare?....

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