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Its library contains photos and information on 52814 toys. Join for free and post your toy collection and wishlist. Use your new profile to connect with other collectors!

Memme Memme

Holiday Party
  • Memme


    346 294 41

    5 years ago

    Thanx to @Blurred1 !!

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  • Memme


    346 294 41

    10 years ago

    Because awesome.

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The Reveler Dunny (Variant)
  • Memme


    346 294 41

    10 years ago

    Damn, hot...

  • Memme


    346 294 41

    9 years ago

    Got it.

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Bondage Smorkin' Labbit Mini figure
  • Memme


    346 294 41

    10 years ago

    Love it!

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Green Puffball Domo Qee
  • Memme


    346 294 41

    10 years ago

    If anyone has an extra of any of the Domo 2", from Series 1, 2, 3 or UO - let me know. Trades for Spacebot Series 1, or rare Domo I have, or Dunny, or for cash.

  • Memme


    346 294 41

    10 years ago

    Really want this one... and any of the other transparent Domo I don't have... like the UO puff... would love to have the smokey... but Lol, that's a divorce-able price tag for a 2" plastic toy. No offense Domo... but I have to pretend to have some priorities... so I don't think that one is going to happen.

  • Memme


    346 294 41

    5 years ago

    Have TWO now. Lulz.

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DGPH Dunny
  • Memme


    346 294 41

    10 years ago

    I get to pop this ugly bastards cherry. Talk about a disappointment... opening a blind box and seeing this toy. Shame on KR, and shame on the Artist for making this hideous identity crisis.

    This series is a hot mess of ugly Dunny, but this one takes ugly and puts some stank on it.

  • hellointerloper


    13 146 66

    10 years ago

    Come to the darkside of anti-KR, we have cookies...

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  • Memme


    346 294 41

    11 years ago

    That is a metal paste finish... actual metal. Very satisfying texture.

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Thunderbolt Domo Qee
  • Memme


    346 294 41

    10 years ago

    I have this for trade.

  • Redgirl_14


    220 1 8

    6 years ago

    I know that this is probably a long shot, but I am interested in buying any Domo Qees that you are willing to part with. Please message me if interested. Thanks!

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Put A Bird On It
  • Memme


    346 294 41

    11 years ago

    I have two of these - will trade (Located in US)

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Supreme NOM
  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    can someone please tell me what is in between her legs?

  • MaquetteCity angel


    154 129 400

    11 years ago

    Some sort of oxygen tank. :)

  • Shellie


    109 5 384

    11 years ago

    What a rude question!!! =P

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    i thought so... does anyone know if you can take it off? i might pick one up if i can, i just really dont like that tank (doesnt make sense to me to put something there.)

  • Memme


    346 294 41

    11 years ago

    Lol - yeah the rest of the figure makes total sense - but that tank between her legs is just crazy talk!


    Removing that would make the figure incomplete - and therefore imperfect and stupid. It's there for a reason... you just wouldn't understand because you're not a Post-Apocalyptic cultist. Take away her crotch tank - and she will die to death.

  • kittykittymeow666


    10 183 628

    11 years ago

    well.. you people are weird.

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