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- Collection 75
- Wishlist 0
- Comments 121
10 years ago
so looking forward to when this arrives.
10 years ago
Best release in a long time! Happy could get them both!!
9 years ago
11 months later… :D
- angel
804 2515 1650
9 years ago
I guess they're ready to ship.
9 years ago
Fair price would be what you paid for it ;)
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10 years ago
Definitely grabbing this one!
10 years ago
I think it'll be hard to top this release in 2014!
Awesome set! -
10 years ago
Releases like this make me want to buy Coarse again - Stunning!
10 years ago
you could have just 1 Coarse Release? ;)
10 years ago
Zombiekel! We miss you! Come back :D
10 years ago
No can do sorry brother. I'm done!
10 years ago
come on man, we have cookies!........
10 years ago
they have chocolate chips.....
10 years ago
Not even Chocolate chip cookies can make me cross back over. ;)
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- angel
432 4 822
10 years ago
I feel like it's referencing something but I can't put my finger on it.
- angel
804 2515 1650
10 years ago
Star Wars everything.
10 years ago
This looks great value for the price. But awkward to display.
Due to the shitty QC and CS on the last large release in this series, I will be giving this a miss. -
10 years ago
"Hey, our work isn't selling! What can we do?"
"How about you wack a stormtrooper helmet on it and call it a day"
Have always wanted a piece by these guys but horror stories about QC puts me off -
10 years ago
The smaller Keiko pieces are unreal as far as quality goes. I think they struggled with the massive illusion of depressing love piece though, 6 month build time turned in to 12 months. Arrived damaged. I've been waiting 3 months for replacement parts!
- angel
353 606 632
10 years ago
The quality itself is very good but the problem is the figures are fragile as fuck ! Out of the 200 Batlle damaged keiko we had about 17 broken ones, but from the darkside keiko we had 7 broken from 30 pcs, and K3KO just 2 !
I will be stocking this pbaby for sure and gonna display it just with keiko on the cross on my wall :) -
10 years ago
Beautiful imagery. An all female trinity for a change.
- angel
353 606 632
10 years ago
yeah it's correct that the Fools paradise figures are very fragile and even though the K3KO packaging is much better then previous editions broken stuff is just part of this business.
Especcially when the figures travel thousands of miles and get thrown, stacked and shacked during this time, and resin doesn't like that :) -
- angel
804 2515 1650
10 years ago
@plaStig Trolls business.
- angel
432 4 822
10 years ago
I think Sergey is referring to the troll that lives under that bridge. Must have been the Billy Goats Gruff parcel company.
- angel
804 2515 1650
10 years ago
@plaStig Sure, I am not calling you a troll, man.
Poor .no people always have to say "trolls, not trolls". :)
There's more - http://www.adressa.no/nyheter... />
Scary stuff. We need more black metal troll characters. -
- angel
804 2515 1650
10 years ago
Oh, the one who survived. That's so cool!
I am on a lookout for one cool black metal character for a way too long. I hope some day... -
10 years ago
Worst Fools Paradise piece by far imo.
Tasteless, unoriginal, poorly executed & just... plain ugly.
What a pitty, the should've stucked with the Keiko form or a combination like the Illusion of depressing love (who invents those names by the way? :D ) -
10 years ago
Agree with HonestCrooks, and it appears they struggle to deliver these larger pieces are speaking to other people with QC issues on their last $750 creation.
I'm totally out.
I'd rather see some more interesting non star-wars keikos.
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- angel
804 2515 1650
10 years ago
B-KAWZ there isn't enough shit at Comicon already
B-KAWZ you are not a very discerning toy collector
B-KAWZ absolutely everyone bastardizes everyone else
B-KAWZ art imitating art is still art, geddit?
Call it what you will, is it a blatant rip-off or a noble tribute?
We at Necessaries Toy Foundation consider it a homage
to two successful and very respected artists.
It is also commentary and parody.
Is it an original idea? We think it is, but only in an esoteric sense.
In fact, it is a very original idea if you are a lateral thinker.
Appropriator? Perpetrator? Instigator?
It is what it is, and I yam what I yam.
B-KAWZ is a metaphor du jour. Merely this and nothing more . . . -
- angel
804 2515 1650
10 years ago
Metaphor du jour [hides under the table]
- angel
804 2515 1650
10 years ago
At least this is a decent quality sculpture. I still got shivers from 'banksy" pieces.
- angel
353 606 632
10 years ago
that's true :)
- angel
432 4 822
10 years ago
I have more problems with the inane prose than with the toy itself. I must be one of those vertical thinkers.
10 years ago
This figure reminds me of the episode of South Park - Freak Strike I think - where Butters gets called "Chinballboy" or "Ballchinboy" ... :D
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11 years ago
Damn, this is gonna be a hard one to track down.....
11 years ago
Just ordered my bundle!
11 years ago
Boom! Bundle!!
11 years ago
I'm guessing there will only be 60 or so for rotofugi
11 years ago
He already was, he already was....
11 years ago
There's a Locks Pain/Blackout bundle? I thought the pre-orders for both weren't open yet.
I'd really appreciate a link to the bundle, though :D -
11 years ago
Bundle was preorder for F&F+.
Already sold out!
Remaining Blackouts will be sold via Rotofugi next year... -
11 years ago
Ah, I see. This will be my first COARSE buy so I'm not part of F&F yet.
I'm actually looking to make my first serious purchase. From a value standpoint, which would you recommend: an original like Locks Pain or a retailer-exclusive/variant like Blackout?
Thanks for the help! -
11 years ago
Buy what you like most!
?Value standpoint?
Buy original handmade piece by Mark, if you have the chance to. -
11 years ago
Thanks :) Think I'll try for Locks Pain if I'm able to pre-order at general release. Looks amazing!
9 years ago
Anyone looking for this?
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11 years ago
Nice score plaStig, how much did you pay?
11 years ago
You've payed a fair price for this piece plaStig! Congrats on the score! Lo(o)cks amazing!
11 years ago
Good work sir :) Nice piece for your collection. We seem to have reasonably similar taste.
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11 years ago
I think, if there was only one girl (with axe) - would be much better.
I know about this art, but in vinyl it does not look so cool. IMHO. ) -
11 years ago
Instant classic I tell you! This is the new "Parra Pierced"
11 years ago
- angel
432 4 822
11 years ago
Could one make a whole shelf of couples toys? The Jarvis wrestling elves come to mind. Any others?
http://rotocasted.com/toy/1316 -
11 years ago
I love it, it's so beautiful.
11 years ago
http://rotocasted.com/toy/499... />http://www.rotocasted.com/toy/6394
- angel
1881 1896 2109
11 years ago
- angel
162 43 56
11 years ago
Love this and already ordered one but would have preferred a lower run
- angel
353 606 632
11 years ago
this is going to be so awesome next to my parra pierced, i agree with Honestcrooks that this is up there. Too bad the edition is 1000 ? but this will mean 1000 people can enjoy this figure !
11 years ago
Where you took info about the quantity? This is a trusted source?
1000 it is too many, this figure will be sold for a lower price on eBay. -
11 years ago
tremor is right.. this is too many. 200 would be ok, not 1000..((
- angel
353 606 632
11 years ago
source = kidrobot blog
11 years ago
Ok, I see. Limited to 1000 is the same as unlimited. Very bad.
- angel
353 606 632
11 years ago
only bad thing is that hardly any came to europe, where most of mcbess fans are.
11 years ago
If you are talking about "unlimited", there are only 159 still available from the kidrobot.com shop... ;-) So apparently, this will be sold out pretty soon :-)
11 years ago
1,000 is pretty limited for a big global release.
The coarse mini omens were limited to 800 pieces, and they are already pretty hard to come by at a decent price.
Anyway surely its about how much you love the design, not how limited/flippable the piece is? -
11 years ago
I'm a collector, I hunt for a collectible items. So limited edition has great importance for me, as for any collector I suppose. I like good designer toys, but good & rare designer toys I like much more. )
11 years ago
So the perceived value of the piece is as important to you as the design?
11 years ago
Yes. Do you have another opinion?
11 years ago
Its not an opinion, it was an honest question. I'm always interested to find out why people collect what they collect.
- angel
353 606 632
11 years ago
I Agree it's pricey for a 1000 edition piece but then again we don't know how much of each KAWS figure is produced aswell, and people pay top dollar for that. Is that perceived as a non collectible then or is that different because everybody wants it ?
11 years ago
Of course an edition is a relative value, and 1000 still limited. But as I know McBess not such famous artist. I don't understand where KR took the number of the edition. And I don't understand why KR made excitement around the figure. May be KR just tried to catch success wave of Dunny Evolved Series and Mermaid figure.
11 years ago
Maybe they had to make a minimum of 1000 pieces to keep the piece affordable. It's a 2 piece, 10" statue with a extra prop and a whole lot of detail. I can imagine the production cost of this being a bit higher than let's say a 8" dunny.
Anyhow, it's true that 1000 might be a bit on the high side but even if it was a ediion of 10.000, I would've bought one nonetheless. It's an amazing and affordable 3D form of his art.
And McBess is a well known artist here in Europe. Unbelievable that they made what, only 50 (?) available here? -
11 years ago
I was just typing up a reply, but HonestCrooks said exactly what I was about to say in a much more concise way.
So what he said :) -
11 years ago
I haven't been aware of McBess for long, but from what I've seen, I'm personally VERY impressed. Also, with all the new toys being released by McBess, popularity will increase quite quickly I think.
Also, when an artist isn't 'hugely' known, advertising & flaunting a toy seems like the logical choice. That way, numerous non-fans see it, become fans, and thus increase the fan-base.
Thus, i say, flaunt the hell out of new toys! -
- angel
1881 1896 2109
11 years ago
Girls just wanna have fun...
- angel
353 606 632
11 years ago
just got these... WOW what a fantastic figure, the stance and paintjob is Exquisite!
11 years ago
Minty, give it to me immediately! )))
11 years ago
Even more excited now :)
- angel
353 606 632
11 years ago
Shipping today guys !
11 years ago
Cheers to Minty! :D Can't wait to have them!!
11 years ago
And here you go!
http://instagram.com/honestcrooks for a picture of the Viandardes and the Half Mermaid! -
11 years ago
Great shot man, thanks :)
11 years ago
the kidrobot black friday is up! 80$ for those charming ladies, not too bad, yay!
11 years ago
And we in Europe had to pay 260$ for it upon release... :)
11 years ago
bargain! If you don't have these yet, you have to get at that price. Definitely the KR toy of the year!
11 years ago
I had it in my cart for $72! Then I went to check out and it's Sold Out. Dangit!!
11 years ago
Thanks to Amavevera for the heads up though.
11 years ago
"60% off is back again on Cyber Monday from 12am-9am MST".
maybe they will restock it (it is highly possible, with a quantity of 1000) -
11 years ago
lol @ u edition size whiners.
on another note, coolest thing KR has released in a while! =)
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11 years ago
Petite and expensive, just my type. Hope she's worth it.
11 years ago
pretty expensive indeed :( I fear I'll regret not pre-ordering it
11 years ago
I'm not really sure if it's made of vinyl, on the bottom of the product page it says "resin cast" and at the top "vinyl toy". Anyway I would have loved to get this, but it's quite a bit above my price range.
11 years ago
Will stand nicely next to my giclée woodprint of Les Viandardes!
11 years ago
McBess confirmed on Facebook: it is resin. even harder for me to resist
- angel
1881 1896 2109
11 years ago
Our individual limit, how much is it worth? The now... the later....
- angel
154 129 400
11 years ago
How expensive is expensive? She's a cutie! :)
- angel
154 129 400
11 years ago
Thanks plaStig!
That's not too bad for a resin,especially as this looks like very good quality.Its the sort of thing Id like to hold in my hands before buying though. :) -
11 years ago
"Thats what she said".......
.....come on!!! -
11 years ago
touch first, pay after? that's not how things go :)
11 years ago
Now that comment needs a like button!
11 years ago
why does she stand on an R?
11 years ago
McBess uses a lot of R's in his graphic work. I think it referes to R2 - Rock & Roll.
11 years ago
Arrived yesterday and looks GREAT!
Can't wait to display her next to the next McBess and some of his prints! -
- angel
162 43 56
11 years ago
Am looking for one at reasonable price vinylcoholic@gmail.com
11 years ago
Did anyone get one of the Tattoo'ed versions? Really interested to see what they look like.
11 years ago
Here's a tattooed one :-) Nice, but I expected a fully tattooed mermaid.
https://scontent-a-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/579267_10202023600885252_1192076701_n.jpg -
11 years ago
Another tattooed ver.
http://toysrevil.blogspot.ru/2013/12/a-peek-at-inked-half-mermaid-from-mcbess.html -
11 years ago
She looks better without the tattoos if I may be honest... :-)
Compared with the Viandardes, this tattooed version is kinda "pittyful" imo :D -
11 years ago
The figure's name is The Half Mermaid. Rename it, please.
11 years ago
Yep, much better un-tatooed; hope not getting a tattoed version. :/
11 years ago
i am sure someone would be more than willing to swap you if you got a tatted version
11 years ago
:| Crossing fingers, i dont want a tatooed one.
11 years ago
It's funny that the extra tattoos (what started out as a "gift" for collectors from McBess because they were running late on delivering these Mermaids) became something that people wished they wouldn't receive :D
The hard fact of great idea, bad execution :D -
11 years ago
Yeah i agree, if the tatoos were similar to the Viandardes it would be Great. :D
11 years ago
@honest. ive seen/read people whod love to own a tatted version.. dont speak for every one ;)
11 years ago
@kittykittymeow666 Ofcourse there are and it wasn't my intention to speak for every one :-) Sorry if it seemed that way. It just feels like a common opinion when I bring up the tatted version of the Mermaid. And there is a difference of wanting someting because of the visual appeal or the "exclusivity". (read the Viandardes comments for that :-D )
If you're going for the exclusivity, there was told that there would be 5 pieces with tattoos, but I know already of 3 people in a radius of 20km of where I live that have a tatted version (they know McBess personally), so I'm guessing there are a lot more than just 5. -
11 years ago
just giving you a hard time ;) ive heard both sides to the story.
11 years ago
@kittykitty Shame on you :D And I was about to say I like your nickname! Shame, on, you! :p
11 years ago
tee-heee ! :)
11 years ago
I agree with Honest. I respect other people´s reasons,but i buy this figures for the visual appeal, the joy of seeing something it makes me happy, like a childhood memory. ;)
11 years ago
Anyone looking for the untattooed one?
11 years ago
For the number hunters out there: I have 150/250.
- angel
353 606 632
11 years ago
40/250 here
10 years ago
Anyone looking for a mint untattooed copy?
9 years ago
I know this was 8 months ago, but yes. I desperately am looking for any copy of this piece.
9 years ago
Just put a mint inside box piece up for sale (non-tattooed).
6 years ago
if someone got this toy and want to sell it PLEEEASE LET ME KNOW - Thank you very much in advance ;-)
6 years ago
Hello. Exactly how much is the non tattooed one worth...thank you
5 years ago
I need this,, If you want to sell contact me.
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337 2257 77
10 years ago
75 0 121
9 years ago
Material is bronze, no?
So don't even start on the price of this beauty :D
Hope they make a porcelain version of this one.
489 56 278
9 years ago
Oh, this.
95 534 124
9 years ago
yep bronze
75 0 121
9 years ago
Come on MiddleClass, make a golden porcelain version happen :D